Mahabodhi's picture

Critique of 'The Power of Now' from a Buddhist perspective

From Shabda Articles on Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 - 09:49

Critique of 'The Power of Now' from a Buddhist perspective

From Shabda Articles on Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 - 09:49

In this morning’s teaching session I explored Eckhart Tolle’s ideas from the perspective of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Other recent topics, which can be found on my Facebook page are ‘Big Tech and Individual Ethics;’ ‘Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence;’ ‘Buddhism and New Age Spirituality;’ ‘Long wave economic cycles (Kondratiev Waves)’ and ‘The Five Paths.’

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: A Steady Persistence

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 - 14:00

Bhante Sangharakshita talks about viriya as ‘vigour’ or ‘energy in pursuit of the good’. Vajradevi explores this in relation to the mindfulness, including the four right efforts, wise and unwise involvement and the near enemy of viriya. Viriya allows for there to be a continuity of awareness.

From the talk entitled The Spiritual Faculty of Viriya, part of the series Pathways to the Beautiful Mind: Bristol Rains Retreat 2019. (Bristol, UK)


Aryajaya's picture

International Order Online Convention “Five Paths To The Deathless"

From Order Connection on Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 - 12:13

International Order Online Convention “Five Paths To The Deathless"

From Order Connection on Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 - 12:13

International Order Online Convention 2020
Five Paths to the Deathless

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th August — combined days
Monday 17th August — single-sex day

“This is quite important, that spiritual progress takes place when, instead of being dominated, instead of being shaped, in everything that we do, feel, and think by our sense-based instincts and impulses, we start depending more and more upon the five spiritual faculties; they become more and more emergent, they come more and more...

Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammacharini Achalasuri

From Order Connection on Sat, 8 Aug, 2020 - 19:10

Death of Dhammacharini Achalasuri

From Order Connection on Sat, 8 Aug, 2020 - 19:10

Dear Order members,

It is sad to inform you that Dhammacharini Achalasuri (Amravati) passed away on 8th August 2020 in the morning around 9.30 am at her home.  She was 72 years old. Because of illness and old age she was in bed rest for the last eight months.

She was very faithful to three jewels and supportive of the Order and movement in Amravati. She took ordination in September 2008: Jnanasuri was her private preceptor and the public ordination was given by Karunamaya. She was...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Hey You!

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 8 Aug, 2020 - 14:00

Virya is the energetic counterpart to the patience of Ksanti; it is energy in pursuit of the good. Bodhinaga  tells us how we can develop this noble vigour, which brings strength and courage like that of a virtuous knight. He guides us through counteracting the four ‘enemies of virya’ before introducing the Four Powers: ethical sources of energy to power the Dharma life.

Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.

This talk is part of...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Bouddhisme Et Libre Arbitre

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sat, 8 Aug, 2020 - 00:00
Dans cette conférence, Vassika explore les notions de déterminisme et de libre arbitre. Elle en détaille ensuite la vision bouddhiste, notamment à travers les niyamas, la coproduction conditionnée et le karma. Et enfin, Vassika présente la voie que propose le bouddhisme pour devenir peu à peu libre de ses choix.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Bouddhisme Et Libre Arbitre

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sat, 8 Aug, 2020 - 00:00
Dans cette conférence, Vassika explore les notions de déterminisme et de libre arbitre. Elle en détaille ensuite la vision bouddhiste, notamment à travers les niyamas, la coproduction conditionnée et le karma. Et enfin, Vassika présente la voie que propose le bouddhisme pour devenir peu à peu libre de ses choix.
kusaladevi's picture

Buddhist Responses to the Pandemic: Subscribe to our Podcasts

From Community Highlights on Fri, 7 Aug, 2020 - 13:23

Buddhist Responses to the Pandemic: Subscribe to our Podcasts

From Community Highlights on Fri, 7 Aug, 2020 - 13:23

A reminder that you can listen again to our Dharma Toolkit podcasts, covering a range of themes around Buddhist responses to the Pandemic, from reflections around personal practice, through current day issues such as Climate change and touching on themes of Beauty and the Arts as a response to times of crisis.

Here’s Episode 25, Ironic Points of light, where Nanadavajra and his friends Satyalila and Subhadassi reflect on W.H. Auden’s poem, September 1st, 1939 and the...

karunagita's picture

Monthly Online Parent-Dharma class

From Community Highlights on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:42

Monthly Online Parent-Dharma class

From Community Highlights on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:42

The London Buddhist Centre and North London Buddhist Centre are offering monthly classes for parents online, every second Sunday from 8th August, 10.30-12.00 UK time. Open to all parents everywhere. The core team is Maitrinita, Karunagita and Rebecca, plus guest teachers. The class includes led meditation, a short talk or introduction to an aspect of the Dharma or practice within family life, an opportunity to connect and talk with other parents and brief ritual.

Please do join us, or pass this on to parents at your centre....
