Sanghamani reveals her early days on the Buddhist path by sharing a dream she had about ‘going home’ with Bhante Sangharakshita as her guide. From the talk Discipleship, Magic and Myth given at the Triratna Buddhist Order weekend, held at Adhisthana, 2014.
It is with deep sorrow that we share the passing of Dhammachari Udanasattva, who died yesterday, 21st April at 10am, following a heart attack. He was 70 years old.
His Dhammachari ordination took place on 13th May 2006 at Bhaja Centre. His Private Preceptor was Suvajra, and his Public Preceptor was Sudarshan.
Initially introduced to the Dhamma at Jalna Centre, he worked as a mathematics teacher before retiring. Following retirement, he settled in...