ECA Safeguarding's picture
ECA Safeguarding

Safeguarding for Buddhist charities: a Charity Commission webinar

From Triratna Safeguarding on Fri, 12 Nov, 2021 - 08:45

Safeguarding for Buddhist charities: a Charity Commission webinar

From Triratna Safeguarding on Fri, 12 Nov, 2021 - 08:45

Saturday 29th January 2022
10-11am (UK time)

A free webinar for trustees, Safeguarding officers, teachers, leaders and volunteers in Buddhist charities – and anyone else!

What are the duties of Buddhist charities in relation to Safeguarding adults and children from harm and how can we do this better?

Hosted by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK, speakers from the Charity Commission for England and Wales will explain the Commission’s requirements - and what has been learned from recent experience in Buddhist organisations.

Safeguarding is...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Introducing ‘Entertaining Cancer: The Buddhist Way’

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 10 Nov, 2021 - 11:48

Introducing ‘Entertaining Cancer: The Buddhist Way’

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 10 Nov, 2021 - 11:48

We’re delighted to introduce Entertaining Cancer: The Buddhist Way. We’ll be publishing this wonderful new book by Devamitra in February 2022. 

In Entertaining Cancer, Devamitra chronicles his years of treatment for prostate cancer. He describes the fatigue, the heightened sense of being alive, and the discomforts and indignities of treatment. He also draws on the deep well of his Buddhist practice to work with his mind and meet fear, uncertainty and frailty with resolve. It is an entertaining read, full of humour, wit and fantastically funny dialogue.

It costs several...

aryadrishti's picture

Introducing the Ahimsa Kula

From Threads on Mon, 8 Nov, 2021 - 01:20

Introducing the Ahimsa Kula

From Threads on Mon, 8 Nov, 2021 - 01:20

Click on the CC option while the video is playing for language choices (to watch the video in English or with translation in Hindi or Spanish).

The Vision of the Ahimsa Kula is to support the continuing development of a more responsive and compassionate Triratna Buddhist culture where faults, failings and fallibilities are readily acknowledged and addressed with metta.

Our main work in the kula consists of three areas:

  • To Listen to a range of Order members concerned with preventing harm within Triratna: over
  • ...
sobhanandi's picture

Verhalen van vrijheid

From Nederlands on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 12:10

Vertaling van Tales of freedom door Vessantara. Meer vertalingen van boeken van Sangharakshita en andere ordeleden zijn te vinden op en als boek te bestellen via

Ksantikara's picture

2022 Dharma Life Courses (applications for women closing soon!)

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 11:33

2022 Dharma Life Courses (applications for women closing soon!)

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 11:33

Dharma Life Course for Young Women | 7 March – 24 June 2022
Application deadline: Friday 10 Dec 2021, email caroline [at] (subject: Dharma%20Life%20Course) .

Dharma Life Course for Young Men | 22 Aug – 9 Dec 2022
Applications open January 2022 but express interest online now

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practicing, studying and working together within...

Liz_Bassett's picture

Tell us what you (really) think!

From FutureDharma on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 10:00

Tell us what you (really) think!

From FutureDharma on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 10:00

Over the last few weeks our friends at The Buddhist Centre Online have featured FutureDharma and India Dhamma Trust - both our projects and our team. So you’ve probably heard quite a lot about us.

But what do you really think? Here’s your chance to tell us what projects inspire you, what you’d like to see less of, and why you give (or don’t give).

Complete our quick and easy survey and let us know what you care about most in our Triratna...

sobhanandi's picture

poejaboek nieuwe versie 2020

From Nederlands on Thu, 4 Nov, 2021 - 10:33

Een paar vertalingen van boeken over de Dharma van Sangharakshita en een nieuwe versie van het Triratna poejaboek.
