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Free Buddhist Audio

Bouddha Amitabha et sa terre pure

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sun, 9 Dec, 2012 - 00:00
Quatrième partie d'une série de conférences d'exploration du mandala des 5 bouddhas.

Vassika présente le symbolisme associé à Amitabha, le bouddha rouge à l'ouest du mandala. Amitabha et sa terre pure, Sukhavati, nous incitent à développer la réceptivité spirituelle et la transformation par la méditation.

Conférence donnée au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris en décembre 2012.
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Come and visit Coddington Court - online!

From Triratna News on Sat, 8 Dec, 2012 - 06:02

Come and visit Coddington Court - online!

From Triratna News on Sat, 8 Dec, 2012 - 06:02Mokshapriya writes with news of Coddington Court - Triratna’s new retreat and study centre near Malvern, England, and Sangharakshita’s new home. Since the purchase was completed in September, the small core team have been busy planning and building work has now begun in earnest in preparation for a hoped-for move in February. He says - “Come and visit Coddington Court online! We’ve made a little film to show you the buildings layout at Coddington interspersed with a few...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Rambles Around Changing the World

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sat, 8 Dec, 2012 - 00:00
Maitreyabandhu visited the Croydon Buddhist Centre for his presidential visit and treated us to three nights of Rambles Around Changing the World
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New publications in French

From Triratna News on Fri, 7 Dec, 2012 - 06:35

New publications in French

From Triratna News on Fri, 7 Dec, 2012 - 06:35Ujumani writes from Triratna’s Paris centre with news of the publication of their third book: Un guide sur la voie bouddhique (1ère partie) – i.e. A Guide to the Buddhist Path (Vol. 1).

The Paris Centre has published these books itself as it has not yet been possible to find a mainstream publisher for Sangharakshita’s works in France. Contrary to the situation in Anglophone countries, Sangharakshita is little known in France and the Triratna Buddhist...
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Dhammarati on FBA's Growing Online Community

From Free Buddhist Audio on Fri, 7 Dec, 2012 - 01:00

Dhammarati on FBA's Growing Online Community

From Free Buddhist Audio on Fri, 7 Dec, 2012 - 01:00This was filmed a few years ago but we forgot to post it here in’s online community! Our bad… Thanks Dhammarati for your ongoing support and insight into the potentiality of communities in genergal, and specifically in relation to our online communities created here and on Free Buddhist Audio.
lokabandhu's picture


From New Ventures on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 10:44


From New Ventures on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 10:44Bodhiyoga ( is a new Triratna venture based in Spain. It offers yoga teacher training based upon Buddhist mindfulness principles, and has been created by Sudaka and Sadhita, two Order Members who’ve been living there for some years now. They’ve just completed their first year and have ambitious plans to branch out to the UK, even to develop a Triratna-wide Yoga Training initiative.

For a full report on Bodhiyoga’s first year and their plans, click ...
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Bodhiyoga 2012 report

From New Ventures on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 10:41
A report by the Bodhiyoga team on their first year’s activities. Bodhiyoga are a new Triratna venture offering yoga teacher training based upon Buddhist mindfulness principles. Find them at
File NameSize
Bodhiyoga report 2012806.25 KB
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New book by Sangharakshita - The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation

From Triratna News on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 09:40

New book by Sangharakshita - The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation

From Triratna News on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 09:40A major new book by Sangharakshita has just been published, bringing together many of his most significant teachings on meditation. The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation is a substantial compilation of teachings on meditation and suggestions for its successful practice – some drawn from previously published works, and many extracted from previously unpublished seminar transcripts. They reveal how Sangharakshita learned the practices on which his system of meditation – ‘an organic, living system’ – is based, and...
arthakusalin's picture

The Sewing Team

From Triratna Ghent on Wed, 5 Dec, 2012 - 19:49

The Sewing Team

From Triratna Ghent on Wed, 5 Dec, 2012 - 19:49On Sunday several people gathered to make 50 new meditation mats for our centre. It was a day of working together, laughing together, eating together, talking, building sangha! Meet the Ghent Sewing Team!
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The Big Give Challenge 2012: You can help Karuna lift 10,000 Indian kids out of child labour and poverty

From Karuna Fundraisers on Wed, 5 Dec, 2012 - 12:47

The Big Give Challenge 2012: You can help Karuna lift 10,000 Indian kids out of child labour and poverty

From Karuna Fundraisers on Wed, 5 Dec, 2012 - 12:47Only 55-65% of children in the villages of Sangamner, Maharashtra, India are attending school. The root of the problem is poverty, where in Maharashtra, 27 million people live on less than 80p a day. Poor and uneducated parents do not always recognise the value in children, especially girls, attending school. Instead children are often kept away from school to bring extra income into the household through scavenging, or following their parents into work.

Education for all children is the...
