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Free Buddhist Audio

What Are the Secrets of Sangha

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Mon, 18 Nov, 2013 - 00:00
A talk by Arthavadin on Sangha Day at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 17th November 2013.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Freedom of Heart

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 18 Nov, 2013 - 00:00
A talk by Dhivan as part of the International Urban Retreat, the theme of which is metta 'blazing like the sun'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

An Ever Widening Circle

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 18 Nov, 2013 - 00:00
Ratnaghosha gives the key note talk at Sangha Day; launching the Year of Spiritual Community for 2014 and laying out a vision for the Sangha.
Suryaprabha's picture


From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00


From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00THIS LONG film, which can be downloaded from Vimeo*, explores the extent of Triratna Buddhism and tries to combine breadth with depth. I’m interested to know how it succeeds. As someone wrote:
From a community living in Australia to solitary retreat in New Zealand, from a train journey through Eastern Europe to a nursing home in Manchester, from a new Centre in Paris to someone’s personal myth in Finland. The film’s charm comes from its simple honesty: there is...
Sanghamani's picture

What a difference a Dharmacharini makes

What a difference a Dharmacharini makes

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Sat, 16 Nov, 2013 - 14:41This 8-minute video from Clear Vision looks at the ordination of women in India and its far-reaching effects.
If you want to help transform the lives of hundreds of women and men in India right now please support the India Dhamma trust.

To become a friend of the India Dhamma Trust and support us regularly download a standing order form at -

Or Just Give at -

Sanghamani's picture

2013 India Dhamma Trust appeal

2013 India Dhamma Trust appeal

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Sat, 16 Nov, 2013 - 14:29This appeal was made by Sanghamani at the 2013 European Order weekend. If you feel moved to respond to this request to join the Dhamma Revolution. Please consider becoming a friend of The India Dhamma Trust by agreeing to support us regularly.

Regular financial support enables us help grow the ordination teams and expand the capacity of Ordination training in India by Indian Order Members so they can respond to the hundreds of people who are approaching ordination,...
Suryaprabha's picture

Thunder, bats, preceptors

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Fri, 15 Nov, 2013 - 17:36

Thunder, bats, preceptors

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Fri, 15 Nov, 2013 - 17:36TWO MINUTES of typically elemental Guhyaloka, one of two Triratna retreat centres in Spain. I was there to help with maintenance and building. I had no proper camera ): - but I had a small Canon HF10 with a mic and an iPhone 4 (:

See more
Munisha's picture

Clear Vision videos for the Urban Retreat

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 15 Nov, 2013 - 16:58

Clear Vision videos for the Urban Retreat

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 15 Nov, 2013 - 16:58Hi,

The Clear Vision team was commissioned by Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly to make a series of five short videos for the online Urban Retreat about Triratna people and projects expressing metta in daily life.

These five videos, released one a day this week, are now viewable as a 38-minute compilation.

Camerawork mainly by Upekshapriya and Graham Dellow; most of the editing by Graham. (Wobbly iPhone camerawork by Munisha and a kind Russian volunteer.)

Make tea,...
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Free Buddhist Audio


From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 15 Nov, 2013 - 00:00
In this series of three talks, Subhuti continues his well-known Rambles Around Reality at the LBC, this time enquiring into the nature of consciousness from the point of view of Urgyen Sangharakshita's particular presentation of the Dharma.

3. Unfolding Consciousness: Once we stop clinging onto our misinterpretations of consciousness, it unfolds quite naturally, leading in the direction of complete liberation.
