Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Awareness In the Workplace

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 15 Jul, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC Womens Night class July 3rd 2014
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

What Is Ordination

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 15 Jul, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC Dharma Night class Monday July 7th 2014
Yashobodhi's picture

Urban Metta

From West London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 14 Jul, 2014 - 13:16
Bodhilila’s talk on Urban Metta is now available on FreeBuddhistAudio.
Bodhilila writes, ” Anyone practising a spiritual path has to find a balance between their inner and outer life and we can get caught up in activity and work. Going within and working on our mental states and conditioning is an important aspect of Buddhist practice which is why meditation plays such an important role.
However, equally important is how we live our lives in the world, the ways we...
Singhamati's picture

Triratna Young Buddhists: Who, Why and What?

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 9 Jul, 2014 - 13:52
In 2008 the Development Team, responding to the lack of young adults entering our community, ran a weekend exploring how to inspire more young adults in the Dharma. Out of that weekend the Triratna Young Buddhists’ Project emerged, with the setting up of activities specifically for young adults facilitated by young Mitras and Order Members.

The project has grown significantly over the last 6 years with Young Buddhists’ activities now thriving at many of our centres and...
kamalashila's picture

The Context for Insight in Triratna

From Order Dharma (test space) on Mon, 7 Jul, 2014 - 19:10

The Context for Insight in Triratna

From Order Dharma (test space) on Mon, 7 Jul, 2014 - 19:10My talk by given on the Order UK and Ireland Men’s Order Weekend at Padmaloka on 3 May 2014.

The theme of the weekend was ‘Insight and the Order’.
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

August break

From Solihull on Mon, 7 Jul, 2014 - 15:14

August break

From Solihull on Mon, 7 Jul, 2014 - 15:14

We’re meeting during July 7,14,21 and 28th. Then we’re breaking over august for summer holidays and the like, then we’ll be back from the 1st of september.

vajratara's picture

20th Anniversary Open Day: Sunday 7 September

From Tiratanaloka on Sun, 6 Jul, 2014 - 20:51

20th Anniversary Open Day: Sunday 7 September

From Tiratanaloka on Sun, 6 Jul, 2014 - 20:51It’s our 20th anniversary! Come and join us to see round the retreat centre, enjoy our gardens, meet the team, have some tea and cake and find out a little more about meditation and Buddhism.

Introductions to Buddhism & meditation: 11am, 12pm and 3pm.
Open 10am - 5pm

Satyadarshin's picture

GEA 2014 Workshops: Daily Timetable

From Buddhafield on Fri, 4 Jul, 2014 - 21:23

GEA 2014 Workshops: Daily Timetable

From Buddhafield on Fri, 4 Jul, 2014 - 21:23Wednesday 16 – Sunday 20 July 2014: booking is still open. You can contact us about the GEA.

Daily Timetable
  • 6.30—8am, Kundalini yoga, Workshop Space 1.
  • 7.15—8am, Meditation, Meditation Space.
  • 8.15—9am, Meditation, Meditation Space .
  • Beginners Meditation, Dharma Dome.
  • 8—9.30am, Hatha Yoga, Workshop Space 1.
  • 9—10am, Qi Gong, Workshop Space 2.
  • 7—11am, breakfast in Buddhafield Café.
  • 10—5pm, workshops (check info boards for what’s on).
  • 11.15—12.45, talk, Dharma Dome.
  • 12—3pm, lunch in Buddhafield Cafe.
  • 3.45—5.15, talk, Dharma Dome.
  • 5.30—6.15, Meditation, Meditation Space.
  • Yoga, Workshop Space 2.
  • 5—9pm, dinner in Buddhafield Café.
  • 7.30pm Ritual .
  • Evening: live music; dance; cinema in the Buddhafield Café.

Additions to...

Munisha's picture

Telling the story of India's Dhamma Revolution in Europe

From Triratna News on Wed, 2 Jul, 2014 - 00:02

Telling the story of India's Dhamma Revolution in Europe

From Triratna News on Wed, 2 Jul, 2014 - 00:02Amalavajra writes from the India Dhamma Trust, which raises money for the ordination training of Indian Buddhists:

“Amrutdeep, a senior Indian Order member and Public Preceptor, recently completed a successful tour of six Triratna Centres in the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Germany. Coinciding with Buddhist Action Month, his visit fitted the Month’s overarching social action theme very well.

Visiting the sanghas at Metta Vihara, Arnhem, Amsterdam, Paris, Ghent and Essen, he told the story of Dr...
