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Free Buddhist Audio

Beyond Capitalism- Radical Dharma For the Modern World

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 00:00
In these two talks Vaddhaka explores the effects of capitalism on community and on work, and asks us to consider what should be our individual and collective Buddhist responses to the decline of community and the degradation of work in our modern society.
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Contemporary Challenges to the Contemplative Life

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 1 Feb, 2015 - 16:39

Contemporary Challenges to the Contemplative Life

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 1 Feb, 2015 - 16:39Contemporary Challenges to the Contemplative Life
Sunday, February 22, 10:00am - 1:00pm

Utilizing a teaching that the Buddha passed on to his foster mother and aunt, Mahaprajapati, we will explore the particular challenges presented by the modern world to a life of Dharma practice. Participants will create personal precepts to help engage creatively with these challenges. Led by Suddhayu, offered by donation, $40-20 suggested.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Pure and Impure Buddhalands - This Very Place, the Lotus Paradise

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 31 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
As a part of the series of evenings at the Bristol Buddhist Centre on Building the Buddhaland, Taranita discusses Pure and Impure Buddhalands. After quoting from the Sukhavativyuha Sutra, he talks about his initial response to the descriptions of the Pure Land, Pure Land Buddhism, and possible meanings and interpretations for us. There is also a space for us to imagine our own personal Pure Land.
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Young Triratna Sydney

From Sydney Buddhist Centre on Fri, 30 Jan, 2015 - 07:48

Young Triratna Sydney (group)

From Sydney Buddhist Centre on Fri, 30 Jan, 2015 - 07:48This group is for any young people in Sydney who are Buddhist or exploring Buddhism. It was started after a young peoples course at the Sydney Buddhist Centre as a means of staying connected, building friendships, sharing ideas, and organising future events.

We have 4 core values:

* Relevant and practical to young people’s lives
* Focused on creating freedom
* Respectful of each other as true individuals
* Offering an open environment that encourages authenticity
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Free Buddhist Audio

La Sangha - une réponse radicale au monde

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Thu, 29 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
Une exploration de la signification de la Sangha dont les liens qui l unissent sont bases sur les valeurs du Dharma et l expression de notre aller en refuge. Pratiquer vraiment la Sangha demande souvent d aller au dela du conditionnement et des valeurs du monde. Dans son essence, la Sangha est radicale et revolutionnaire. Conference donnee à l occasion de la fete de la Sangha au centre bouddhiste de Paris novembre 2014.
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Free Buddhist Audio

La Sangha - une réponse radicale au monde

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Thu, 29 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
Une exploration de la signification de la Sangha dont les liens qui l unissent sont bases sur les valeurs du Dharma et l expression de notre aller en refuge. Pratiquer vraiment la Sangha demande souvent d aller au dela du conditionnement et des valeurs du monde. Dans son essence, la Sangha est radicale et revolutionnaire. Conference donnee à l occasion de la fete de la Sangha au centre bouddhiste de Paris novembre 2014.
Viryabodhi's picture

Texter – Anapanasati-retreaten januari 2015

From Dharmagiri Retreatcenter on Wed, 28 Jan, 2015 - 16:49
Här är några texter som jag använde som inpsiration för retreaten, av Vaddhaka och Dhammarati, samt de 16 verserna för de fyra tetraderna.
padmatara's picture

San Francisco Buddhist Center Core Sangha

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 - 20:18

San Francisco Buddhist Center Core Sangha (group)

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 - 20:18Welcome Mitras and Order Members at the San Francisco Buddhist Center!
Our aim for this Core Sangha Group is to create a space where each of us can find the information we need to participate in the work and practice of the SFBC in a way that we find meaningful, creative and helpful. Posts are visible only to Core Sangha Members.
Please feel free to comment or make suggestions - there will be many changes, no doubt, as time...
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Four Sights

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
A talk by Ratnaghosha to launch the new Sangha Night at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.
