RCheesley's picture

Young People's Evening - Do no harm - 28th February 7.30pm-10.00pm

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Sat, 7 Feb, 2015 - 19:55

Young People's Evening - Do no harm - 28th February 7.30pm-10.00pm

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Sat, 7 Feb, 2015 - 19:55Saturday, 28th February from 7.30pm-10.00pm at Colchester Buddhist Centre

Young people’s evenings are open to anybody with an interest in buddhism and meditation under the age of 35.

This is the first in a series of evenings looking at the five precepts and how they apply to us.

This month Jo will lead us looking into the first precept of do no harm, with the positive counterpart being loving kindness.
Amalaketu's picture

Parinirvana Day

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Sat, 7 Feb, 2015 - 19:43

Parinirvana Day

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Sat, 7 Feb, 2015 - 19:43Parinirvana Day Sunday 15th February 2015
Programme ​
10:30 Welcome ​
11:00 Meditation
​12:00 Reading and Reflections ​
1:00​ Lunch ​
2:30 Talks/Presentations
​3:30 ​Tea ​
4:00 Puja with Remembering those who have passed ​
5:00​ Finish
Andrea@Karuna's picture

Come and join the magical world of Karuna Appeals this Spring

From Karuna Fundraisers on Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 - 11:09

Come and join the magical world of Karuna Appeals this Spring

From Karuna Fundraisers on Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 - 11:09Are you looking for a deeper connection with yourself and the world…an opportunity to practise generosity and live in a Buddhist community? Then look no further. A Karuna Appeal will offer all this and much more!

We have 2 spaces left for women on our Spring Appeal in London to be led by Sanghamani

We’re inviting applications from men and women for our 2015 appeals and phone campaigns.

Why do an appeal? Caste discrimination affects the lives...
guhyapati's picture

Action from Depth: Ecodharma build new UK links

From ecodharma on Thu, 5 Feb, 2015 - 18:15

Action from Depth: Ecodharma build new UK links

From ecodharma on Thu, 5 Feb, 2015 - 18:15This summer Ecodharma will be joining forces with Gaia House teacher Rob Burbea and Freely Given Retreats to offer a new training in the UK. Action from Depth is a shorter remix of the Engaged Buddhist Training that Ecodharma have been developing since 2010. The UK version will be co-designed by Rob and Ecodharma’s Guhyapati, with a strong emphasis on ecological activism just ahead of the United Nations Climate talks,...
Singhamati's picture

Padmaloka Young Men's Retreat: Demon Taming Magic

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 - 15:32

Padmaloka Young Men's Retreat: Demon Taming Magic

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 - 15:32Exploring the archetype of the Magician as expressed in the lives of the Buddha and Padmasambhava. With meditation, ritual, talks, discussion and MORE!

9-16th March 2015
£30 deposit plus donation
Suitable for all men aged 18-35

Book online at padmaloka.org.uk
Singhamati's picture

Dharma Training Course for Men at Adhisthana: starts September 2015

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 - 11:45

Dharma Training Course for Men at Adhisthana: starts September 2015

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 - 11:45Vidyaruchi writes: The course will run from 14th September 2015 to 29th January 2016 – slightly shorter than the first one. It will be fully residential, with the students sharing rooms in a designated community at Adhisthana. It aims to offer a thorough grounding in the principles and practices of Triratna Buddhism, with about a quarter of the time spent in retreat conditions, and will be taught by various experienced Order members. Though it is often thought of as a...
Maitreyabandhu's picture

Public Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 16:01

Public Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 16:01Dear Friends,

I’m writing to inform you of the Public Ordination of Tony Murray Jones. Because of his poor health, his private ordination will take place at his house on Wednesday 4th March. His public ordination will take place in the context of the Seven-Fold Puja at the London Buddhist Centre on Sunday, March 8th. The ceremony will begin at 2.30pm. There will be refreshments after the ceremony.

Jnanavaca is Tony’s private preceptor. Maitreyabandhu is his public preceptor.
Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Sanghavajra, India

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 15:59

Death of Dhammachari Sanghavajra, India

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 15:59Dear Order members,

I am sorry to have to inform you all of the death of Dh Sanghavajra (Ulhasnagar), India. He passed away at 11:15pm on 29th of January.

Sanghavajra had been working with our Bahujan Hitay social project for the past two years where he will be sadly missed. He leaves behind a wife and two children and we pass on our condolences to them on behalf of the Order.

Ordained in 2008, Sanghavajra had Adityabodhi...
maitreyanath's picture

Death of Dhammachari Abhayaprabha

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 15:53

Death of Dhammachari Abhayaprabha

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 15:53Dhammachari Abhayaprabha passed away peacefully around 11.45 AM Indian time today. He was 57 years old at time of his death. He was hospitalised on 04th January after he had heart attack and stroke (that paralysed) right side of his body. Though he was getting proper treatment but he could not manage to talk. As both attacks had damaged him severely there were limitations in giving him treatment. Doctors tried their best during last 23 days but eventually he...
Amogharatna's picture

Public Ordination In Berlin

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 15:50

Public Ordination In Berlin

From Order Connection on Tue, 3 Feb, 2015 - 15:50At a public ordination ceremony held at Buddhistisches Tor Berlin on Sunday 25th January at 2pm Central European Time, Claus-Wilhelm Klinker became Achalabandhu, which means Steadfast, Unshakable Friend. (The ‘a’s and the ‘u’ are short, and the emphasis is on the fourth syllable).

His private preceptor is Amogharatna and his public preceptor is Padmavajra.
