akasharaja's picture

Resignation of Dhammachari Aryakumar, India

From Order Connection on Tue, 13 Jan, 2015 - 12:13

Resignation of Dhammachari Aryakumar, India

From Order Connection on Tue, 13 Jan, 2015 - 12:13From Dhammachari Adityabodhi

Dear Order members,

Dhammachari Aryakumar from Kolhapur India has given resignation from the Triratna Buddhist Order in the month of November 2014. Dhammachari Sudharshan was his public preceptor, has passed away, so Aryakumar has given his application to me as a his private preceptor, and the public preceptors have accepted his resignation.

Aryakumar was ordained in 2006.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Gift Relationship

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 13 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
At the heart of modern capitalism are values that are incompatible with Buddhist values. This talk explores these differences and the role that the Dana Economy can play in building an alternative economic world.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Drunkard and the Guide

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 12 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
A man walks home from a pub along a muddy track. To his right and left are steep ravines. With great wit, intelligence and experience, Maitreyabandhu explores this rich parable of the Dharmalife from the Zen tradition.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Game of Chess

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 12 Jan, 2015 - 00:00
Jnanavaca pulls no punches with this passionate, challenging and personal talk on the true nature of Buddhist wisdom.
Ratnaprabha's picture

Death of Dharmachari Chakkhupala, UK

From Order Connection on Sun, 11 Jan, 2015 - 12:09

Death of Dharmachari Chakkhupala, UK

From Order Connection on Sun, 11 Jan, 2015 - 12:09Chakkhupala died at 9 on Saturday evening, 10th January.

Lalitaratna had just finished preparing a slap-up curry for all of us staying at Chakkhupala’s house when his son Eldon got a call to come urgently to the hospice. We left the meal behind, and sat very quietly with Chakkhupala, 8 or 9 of us. His breathing was difficult and laboured. But for the last half hour he became very peaceful, lying still with Eldon holding his hand and looking...
Keturaja's picture

Announcing the closure of Windhorse:Evolution

From Order Connection on Fri, 9 Jan, 2015 - 12:03

Announcing the closure of Windhorse:Evolution

From Order Connection on Fri, 9 Jan, 2015 - 12:03As Order Conveners, we recognise the tremendous contribution Windhorse:evolution has made to the Order and Movement - not only economic but in terms of providing right livelihood and community opportunities to Order members and Mitras from around the world. We are sad to share the following letter with you and wish everyone at w:e well in this transition.

Lokeshvara and Parami, International Order Conveners

Dear Order members,

Sadly I need to inform you that we have decided...
Bodhidasa's picture

A Season of Illumination

From Sydney Buddhist Centre on Thu, 8 Jan, 2015 - 06:58

A Season of Illumination

From Sydney Buddhist Centre on Thu, 8 Jan, 2015 - 06:58
What’s on in January?
Singhamanas's picture

Winter Retreat Shrines at Adhisthana

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 7 Jan, 2015 - 16:26

Winter Retreat Shrines at Adhisthana

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 7 Jan, 2015 - 16:26
Highlights from some of the shrines at this year’s Winter Retreat at Adhisthana, made by Maitreyabandhu, Luke and scores of helpful retreatants.

karunamaya's picture

Public Ordinations at Bhaja, India

From Order Connection on Wed, 7 Jan, 2015 - 11:55

Public Ordinations at Bhaja, India

From Order Connection on Wed, 7 Jan, 2015 - 11:55Dear Order members,

The following women were ordained at Bhaja retreat centre on 4 January 2015. This is the largest number of women ordained in India at one time and the first ordinations of women from Gujarat.

Private preceptor Jnanasuri
  1. Shital Wankhede from Thane becomes Utpala - Blue Lotus
  2. Savita Kosambi from Ahmedabad (Gujarat) becomes Yashonanda - She who delights in success, glory and splendour
  3. Kalpana Jadhav from Dapodi (Pune) becomes Modini - She who rejoices
  4. Surekha Gade from Camp (Pune) becomes Yashottama - The
  5. ...
Maitreyi's picture

Resignation of Dharmacharini Prasannavajri, USA

From Order Connection on Tue, 6 Jan, 2015 - 11:45

Resignation of Dharmacharini Prasannavajri, USA

From Order Connection on Tue, 6 Jan, 2015 - 11:45*Updated 4th February 2015 with Prasannavajri’s resignation letter and poem.*

Prasannavajri (from Maine USA) has written to resign from the Triratna Buddhist Order. Both Dayalocana, her private preceptor, and Maitreyi, her public preceptor, have been in touch with her and have agreed to accept her resignation. Anastra (she has relinquished the name given to her at ordination) feels a “deep…appreciation for the Dharmic foundation I did receive” in Triratna and is now practicing with a Tibetan Buddhist sangha...
