Singhamati's picture

The Big One 2015: just weeks to go....

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 18:12

The Big One 2015: just weeks to go....

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 18:12

Our annual gathering of Triratna Young Buddhists’ is just weeks away: 16-18th October at Adhisthana.  “Timeless Wisdom, Modern World” is the theme of this years retreat, with talks from Kusalasara, Moksatara and Vidyavachin, as well as discussion, meditation, and puja!  Don’t miss this precious opportunity to practice together in large numbers with other young adults, meet with friends old and new and enjoy the gracewaves of Adhisthana.

Book now at

Saccanama's picture

Kusalavira ordained in India

From College of Public Preceptors on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 15:30

Kusalavira ordained in India

From College of Public Preceptors on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 15:30

On 9th August at the Bor Dharan retreat centre near Nagpur in India, Gurbej Cchahal Singh was publicly ordained by Dhammachari Chandrasil. His private ordination was conducted over a month earlier at the Bhaja retreat centre by Dhammachari Subhuti and he was given the name Kushalveer (Indian spelling) - Kusalavira (Western spelling) - ‘ethical or skilful hero’. The ordination was very noteworthy in that...

Saccanama's picture

Adityabodhi joins the Preceptors' College

From College of Public Preceptors on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 14:49

Adityabodhi joins the Preceptors' College

From College of Public Preceptors on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 14:49

Dhammachari Adityabodhi is a senior member of the Order from India who has just recently been appointed as a public preceptor. He was ordained in 1985 from the Pimpri Centre, of which he later became Chairman, contributing much to its development over the subsequent years. Later, he started working full time for the Dharma, both supporting Lokamitra with the ordination process and also becoming overall mitra...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Six Distinctive Emphases - An Ecumenical Movement

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 9 Sep, 2015 - 01:00
In the first of a series of presentations at the Bristol Buddhist Centre on The Six Distinctive Emphases of the Triratna Movement, Taranita talks about our Ecumenical Movement. In exploring the nature of tradition in Buddhism, from the Kalama Sutta to the modern day, and the tension between tradition and adaptation in an every-changing world; Taranita discusses how the Triratna came to have its distinctive ecumenical nature.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Book Launch - The Journey and the Guide

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 8 Sep, 2015 - 00:00
Maitreyabandhu launches his new book exploring the five great stages of spiritual life and how to put them into practice on a day-to-day basis. In conversation with Subhadramati her talks about why he wrote the book, what he hoped to achieve and how people might benefit from reading it.
parami's picture

Ordinations Beginning at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Mon, 7 Sep, 2015 - 15:39

Ordinations Beginning at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Mon, 7 Sep, 2015 - 15:39

We are delighted to inform you that the ordinations of the following women will take place at Akashavana.  All are in good health and spirits and the retreat is going very well.

The private ordinations will take place through the day of Monday 7th September and the Public ceremony will take place at 11 am local time (GMT +2) on Friday 11th September.

  • Sarah Chatterton - private preceptor Moksanandi
  • Kay Bovis - private preceptor Vijayasri
  • Kathryn Entwistle- private preceptor Dayanandi
  • Suzie Tisch -  private preceptor Satyapada
  • Gill Aitkin
  • ...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Ratnaghosha - the Challenge of Kindly Speech

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 6 Sep, 2015 - 01:00
Croydon has been home to FWBO or Triratna Buddhist communities and centres since 1968. Many early talks by well known speakers were recorded, both at Aryatara, since 1979, and at the new Croydon Centre from 1981. These are now being transferred from their crumbling cassettes to digital format, as part of the Croydon Digital Archive Project, and are being made available to everyone. In this talk from 1995, Ratnaghosha explores the speech precepts and links them to the sangharavastus as a way of building a strong and supportive sangha. He challenges us to change our habitual ways of speaking and illustrates his ideas with quotes from Imam al-Ghazali and Wordsworth. The tape quality is good, but there are a couple of blips towards the end of the recording.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Aryashila - the Ten Precepts

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 6 Sep, 2015 - 00:00
This lively and spontaneous talk by Aryashila is the first in a new series of talks exploring the Ten Precepts. Aryashila introduces the Precepts and gives a personal overview of how ethics is part of our everyday lives, with particular reference to the current movement of refugees from war zones throughout the world. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in September 2015 as part of the regular Saturday Sangha Morning class.
