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Free Buddhist Audio

Metta Bhavana (1 Track)

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Tue, 18 Aug, 2015 - 00:00
En ledd metta bhavana meditation, som hjälper dig få kontakt med och odla kärleksfull vänlighet gentemot dig själv och andra, i de klassiska fem stadierna, och med en kort introduktion. (Obs. endast ett spår!) Tack till George Allen för inspelning och mixning.
Abhayamaitri's picture

Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 7

From Sangharakshita@90 on Mon, 17 Aug, 2015 - 05:00

Dayapakshini shares how Bhante’s teachings have influenced her life, together with quotes from his work, in particular the Bodhisattva Ideal. This talk was given as the first in the series to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday at the Croydon Buddhist Centre.

Abhayamaitri's picture

'Secret Wings' by Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita@90 on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 20:58

'Secret Wings' by Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita@90 on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 20:58

We cry that we are weak although
We will not stir our secret wings;
The world is dark – because we are
Blind to the starriness of things.

We pluck our rainbow-tinted plumes
And with their heaven-born beauty try
To fledge nocturnal shafts, and then
Complain ‘Alas! we cannot fly!’

We mutter ‘All is dust’ or else
With mocking words accost the wise:
‘Show us the Sun which...

Maniraja's picture

Considered Guhyaloka? - Cook needed and more!

From Guhyaloka on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 19:33

Considered Guhyaloka? - Cook needed and more!

From Guhyaloka on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 19:33

The core team at Guhyaloka right now is myself, Vidyasiddhi and Dridhakarin. After more than a year, Dayajina will be leaving us at the end of November to return to Germany. So we are looking for an Order member (or Order members) to come and join us. There are various options. Ideally for us we would like someone to come and join us full time and stay for a couple of years or more. What also works well is people coming...

Abhayamaitri's picture

Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 6

From Sangharakshita@90 on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 05:00

Today we hear from Dhammadinna about her long friendship with Sangharakshita, and the effect this has had on her life.

Just six days to go…

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Free Buddhist Audio

Vijayasri - This Precious Human Life

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 00:00
In this very personal talk Vijayasri remembers being part of a study seminar led by Sangharakshita, in 1982, on The Jewel Ornament of Liberation by Gampopa. Vijayasri talks about the effect being part of the study group has had on her life and explores Gampopas teachings on the importance of a human birth. The talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre as part of the regular Saturday Sangha Morning class in August 2015.
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Bodhipaksini's reflections on her ordination retreat

From North London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 15 Aug, 2015 - 18:00

We welcomed our new Order Members back on a celebratory Sangha Night and heard them speak about their experiences of their three month ordination retreat.  Here Bodhipaksini reflects on her ordination.

visuddhimati's picture

Satyapurna's reflections on her ordination retreat in the Spanish mountains

From North London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 15 Aug, 2015 - 14:46

Here is a talk given at a special Sangha evening to welcome our new dharmacarinis back from their three month ordination retrea.

Abhayamaitri's picture

Sangharakshita, His Life and Work 5

From Sangharakshita@90 on Sat, 15 Aug, 2015 - 06:19

Manjuvajra talks about his personal friendship with Sangharakshita, and shares some of his memories of Bhante from their travels around the United States together in the 1990s. You can hear more from Manjuvajra at the forthcoming Order Event, in celebration of Bhante’s 90th birthday.

Vajracchedika's picture

Previous Papers from Articles Shabda

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 14 Aug, 2015 - 07:17

I’ve uploaded copies of my previous papers from Articles, as I frequently get requests for them, and as well as that the punctuation etc. were marmalised in the old printed format.
