Amalaketu's picture

Vote for Colchester Buddhists to get Solar PV on our New Centre

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 18:20

Vote for Colchester Buddhists to get Solar PV on our New Centre

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 18:20

Vote for Colchester Buddhists to get Solar PV on our New Centre


The deadline for voting is 30 Sep so please vote for us to get PV!

Colchester Buddhist Centre has been operating for over 15 years in the town centre, offering the people of Colchester the opportunity to find out about and practice Buddhism, meditation, and yoga.

We have now purchased our very own building and wish to make the centre as sustainable as possible,...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Appreciating Manchester Buddhist Centre

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 01:00
A talk given by Dharmottara at Triratna Night at Manchester Buddhist Centre on September 21 2015
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Meditating With Your Child

From Community Highlights on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 01:00
Upayavira was ordained in 2000, and became a parent soon after. Since then he has been exploring, often through necessity, ways to meditate with children around. He has led Meditation for Parents workshops at the Buddhafield Festival and at the Buddhafield Village retreat, as well at some local Buddhist Centres; with the aim of demonstrating that practicing with your young children present is not just possible, there can be some huge benefits in this form of practice.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhavas Refusal to Make Obeisance to the King of Tibet

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 00:00
Vidyarajas Padmasambhava Day 2015 talk at Colchester Buddhist Centre.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhavas Refusal to Make Obeisance to the King of Tibet

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 00:00
Vidyarajas Padmasambhava Day 2015 talk at Colchester Buddhist Centre.
Khemavassika's picture

Thursday Drop In Dharma Discussion 9/24/2014

From Online Meditators on Thu, 24 Sep, 2015 - 16:06

Thursday Drop In Dharma Discussion 9/24/2014

From Online Meditators on Thu, 24 Sep, 2015 - 16:06

We’re holding our weekly Dharma drop-in discussion hosted by Order member Khemavassika today! The topics vary week to week and all are welcome to join in - from beginners to more advanced practitioners.

Join the discussion on Google+ Hangout at 3pm EST / 8pm UK
(Click on ”Hangouts” to start your session)

Dharma Drop-in Discussions will be happening each Thursday on Google Hangout, via The Buddhist Centre’s Google+ page. 

Stay tuned for announcements on the discussion topic of the week by clicking...

Saccanama's picture

Punyamala Conducts her first Public Ordination September 2015

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 24 Sep, 2015 - 10:35

Punyamala Conducts her first Public Ordination September 2015

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 24 Sep, 2015 - 10:35

The most recent ordinations took place at Akashavana on 11th September 2015. Alongside Parami and Maitreyi, both long-standing members of the Preceptors’ College, Punyamala was there to conduct her first public ordination.

The names of the new Dharmacharinis appear below - 

Public Preceptor Parami:

Suzie Tisch becomes Maitrihrdaya, a Sanskrit name meaning ‘She who has a Heart of...

Viryabodhi's picture

Texter på den Tysta retreaten augusti 2015

From Dharmagiri Retreatcenter on Tue, 22 Sep, 2015 - 13:59

Hej vänner,

Här kommer en del av de texter vi hade på den Tysta retreaten i augusti, bättre sent än aldrig. Hoppas ni finner dem hjälpsamma. Har jag glömt någon dikt eller text? Mejla mig då: viryabodhi [at] 

Det finns också fler texter på min hemsida:

Vi hade en Tacksamhetsmeditation och jag nämnde att Sangharakshita hade talat om Buddhas tacksamhet, här en länk till ett utdrag ur hans föredrag “Looking at the Bodhi Tree”, från Soundcloud,...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Introduction Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 22 Sep, 2015 - 11:11

Introduction Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 22 Sep, 2015 - 11:11

19th to 22nd Sept 15 Introduction Retreat. Chikun, meditation and puja as well as bit Dhamma study introduce by Dhammadeep and Raj Mohan. Walking to Caves as well.

Saddhammapradip's picture

Heavy Rain Wash away path

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 21 Sep, 2015 - 07:33

Heavy Rain Wash away path

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 21 Sep, 2015 - 07:33

Heavy rain on 18th Sept 2015 wash away a path way through rice field at various place.
