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Free Buddhist Audio

A Supra-Personal Force

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Mar, 2016 - 00:00
Jnanavaca explores ideas from Subhuti considering a non-egoic energy that has the potential to work through us.
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Free Buddhist Audio

A Supra-Personal Force - Further Reflections

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Mar, 2016 - 00:00
Jnanavaca explores ideas from Subhuti considering a non-egoic energy that has the potential to work through us.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Artist As True Individual - Interview with Amitajyoti

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Mar, 2016 - 00:00
On this special Dharma night Subhadramati interviewed local Buddhist artist Amitajyoti about her work and practice.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mastering the Mind - Week One

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Mar, 2016 - 00:00
On this six week drop-in course, we will be exploring how to move from ordinary, divided consciousness into a fuller, richer and more expansive consciousness called Samadhi, and from there to reflecting on how things really are. This course is being run alongside three intensive meditation mornings where we can apply what we have learnt more fully. For those all have learnt both meditations.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mastering the Mind - Week Two

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Mar, 2016 - 00:00
On this six week drop-in course, we will be exploring how to move from ordinary, divided consciousness into a fuller, richer and more expansive consciousness called Samadhi and from there to reflecting on how things really are. This course is being run alongside three intensive meditation mornings where we can apply what we have learnt more fully. For those all have learnt both meditations.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Spreading the Mushrooms

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 25 Mar, 2016 - 00:00
Sraddhagita shares her experience of Team Based Right Livelihood, as part of a series on the Six Distinctive Emphasis of Triratna, on Cambridge Sangha Night. The talk is full of passion and insight into a practice Shraddhagita has been involved in for over 16 years. Drawing on the four Sangharavastus, poetry and tales from the Tenzo, it is an inspiring talk.
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Vew Vajrasana Retreat Centre 2016 Programme

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 24 Mar, 2016 - 16:41

Brochure now available. Come on retreat with the London Buddhist Centre at our brand new bespoke Buddhist retreat centre.

Book Here

File NameSize
vajrasana_2016.pdf5.28 MB
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Women's Ordinations at Bhaja Retreat Centre India

From Order Connection on Thu, 24 Mar, 2016 - 16:26

Women's Ordinations at Bhaja Retreat Centre India

From Order Connection on Thu, 24 Mar, 2016 - 16:26

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The following women were ordained in the context of an intensive meditation retreat at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Centre, Bhaja, Maharashtra, India.

Sangeeta Kamale becomes Sriarya
Meaning: ”she who is pure, excellent, noble”

Pratibha Katare becomes Amoghamani
Meaning: “she who has the jewel of success”

Ashwini Gaiakawad becomes Yashokirti
Meaning: “she who is famous through success”

(The three women above are from Chunabhatti centre, Mumbai)

Nanubai Salawe becomes Kshantipriya
Meaning: “she who loves...

acalavajri's picture


From Akashavana on Tue, 22 Mar, 2016 - 17:03


From Akashavana on Tue, 22 Mar, 2016 - 17:03

The new year is well and truly underway and the community of 3 is fully occupied with the ‘work-in’ … three weeks of working with volunteers to prepare the retreat centre for the season ahead.

So, who is in community at the moment ? Well, the resident community currently is Manigarbha, Mumukshu and me – Acalavajri. This is going to change though later in the year as Manigarbha has sadly made the decision to leave the community. She will be returning the Netherlands...

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Dhammarati on sabbatical, solitary and the International Council

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 22 Mar, 2016 - 14:15

Dhammarati came back a few months ago from sabbatical and a three month solitary in North Wales.

In this interview he talks to Dhammamegha about being on retreat and shares his thoughts about the future of the International Council. From the beginning of 2016 he is convening the Council.
