stuarts's picture

Reading Triratna BAM - Soup and Sangha

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sun, 12 Jun, 2016 - 10:34

Reading Triratna BAM - Soup and Sangha

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sun, 12 Jun, 2016 - 10:34

On Sunday the 26th June we shall be holding a ‘Soup & Sangha’, the second of its kind. Sangha and friends come together for lunch at 12.00 followed by an afternoon of meditation practice and teaching.

We are delighted to be joined by Ratnaprabha from the West London Buddhist Centre.

Our topic will be ‘Happiness’ and, in particular, the practical actions that we can each take to increase our own happiness and that of others both near and far.

Each of us will have a pledge sheet...

parami's picture

Upcoming Ordinations at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Sun, 12 Jun, 2016 - 04:50

Upcoming Ordinations at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Sun, 12 Jun, 2016 - 04:50

Dear Order Members,

We are delighted to inform you that the following 6 women attending the Spanish speaking Ordination retreat at Adhisthana will receive their Private ordination throughout the day of Wednesday 15th June.  

The Public Ordination will take place at 2 p.m. local time (UTC +1) on Saturday 18th June.  All are welcome to attend the Public ceremony but because of numbers currently at Adhisthana we cannot offer accommodation overnight. Please drop a...

Utpaladhi's picture

Books to read during BAM

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 18:49

Books to read during BAM

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 18:49

It would be great to get a BAM themed book list together, with recommendations of thought-provoking books that people can read through the month.

I’ve just finished ‘Zero Waste Home’ by Bea Johnson and ‘Sew Your Own’ by John-Paul Flintoff, and will be re-reading ‘Saving the Earth’ by Akuppa for our BAM Southampton book group.

Any other suggestions?

Utpaladhi's picture

Green Actions

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 18:45

Green Actions

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 18:45

What small/easy green actions can we suggest for someone just starting out thinking environmentally?

Here’s my suggestions, based on the things I’ve done recently that I’ve found very rewarding:

*switching to green electricity
*buying a bamboo toothbrush
*taking a reusable bag shopping
*taking trains/buses/cycling more often…
*buying secondhand clothes
*using public library
*using a mooncup

Saddhammapradip's picture

Men's GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 14:12

Men's GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 14:12

From 25th May to 5th Jun 16 Men’s GFR Retreat led by Dh. Ratnashil on ten reflection. Attended by 30 people.

dhammamegha's picture

Commonality resource OM

From Triratna International Council on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 11:58

This is a document produced by the Steering Group after the last International Council meeting. It is about suggested processes and considerations to unify and sustain Triratna into the future. I’m posting it now to link to an Order newsletter that will soon go out to all Order members.

File NameSize
commonality_sg_final_copy.pdf1.71 MB
Joy's picture

Bristol BAM: Money Awakening Day

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 10:55

Bristol BAM: Money Awakening Day

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 10:55The money awakening day with Amalavajra last weekend was very thought provoking and we had some lively discussions throughout the day. Sharing the details of my personal finances with another person seemed a scary thing to do, but I found it emotionally freeing. We completed a Money Archetype Quiz (Brent Kessel: It’s Not About The Money) which illuminated patterns of behaviour which go very deep into all areas of how I live my life. I could see how certain actions...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Who Wants to Become a Bodhisattva?

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 00:00
In this personal talk Yashobodhi goes into the aspiration to be of benefit to all beings, the pitfalls an aspiring bodhisattva can come across and about the journey from concept to experienced reality and back again.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Who Wants to Become a Bodhisattva?

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Sat, 11 Jun, 2016 - 00:00
In this personal talk Yashobodhi goes into the aspiration to be of benefit to all beings, the pitfalls an aspiring bodhisattva can come across and about the journey from concept to experienced reality and back again.
Momtaz's picture

Metta for the oceans, supermarkets and shoppers! John West unsustainable fishing protest

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Fri, 10 Jun, 2016 - 17:56

Metta for the oceans, supermarkets and shoppers! John West unsustainable fishing protest

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Fri, 10 Jun, 2016 - 17:56

Metta for the oceans, supermarkets and shoppers! John West unsustainable fishing protest at Sainsbury’s

Text: Maitrisiddhi

Photos: Lisa Lens

It was a hot muggy Tuesday 7th of June.  At a quarter to five, we were crowded round the table in the dark Taraloka community kitchen.  You’d’ve thought we were preparing a bank heist.  A pencilled sketch map of the front of Sainsbury’s supermarket in Whitchurch was spread out in front of us.  I’d cased the joint the night before.

‘So we’ll put ourselves there – next to the...
