Vidyavachin's picture

Padmaloka Village Work Morning

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 8 Oct, 2016 - 21:41

Padmaloka Village Work Morning

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 8 Oct, 2016 - 21:41

Today the Padmaloka Community led a Work Morning to clear the Surlingham Village allotment pathway. The path had become overgrown with bushes, brambles and nettles, making access to the playpark difficult, especially for pushchairs. We were joined by local residents and we finished clearing the pathway throughout the morning.
The work morning ended suddenly when we accidentally disturbed a wasps nest,...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Art of Ritual and Descent

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 8 Oct, 2016 - 00:00
Bhadra introduces the archetypal magician, Padmasambhava, at a day for men in Bristol. He uses episodes from the magician's life to illustrate how engaging the imagination through ritual and being willing to make the journey of descent are key elements of a fruitful practice.
Carunalaka's picture

Interview with Bhante on Ambedkar

Interview with Bhante on Ambedkar

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Fri, 7 Oct, 2016 - 23:10

Maitriveer Nagarjuna interviews Bhante about his meetings with Dr. Ambedkar. In this rare and precious footage, Sangharakshita also talks about how he felt compelled to go to Nagpur on the night that Babaseb died, just seven weeks after he’d converted to Buddhism. That night, on the back of a cycle rickshaw, Bhante gave the first of hundreds of talks encouraging Dr. Ambedkar’s loyal followers to keep his legacy alive.

This is a twenty five minute extract from a longer interview that was conducted in...

Carunalaka's picture

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk three)

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk three)

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Fri, 7 Oct, 2016 - 17:57

In the third, but not the final. talk of this series, Suvajra looks at Right Livelihood and Art in the Spiritual Life. 

Again, the similarities between Sangharakshita and Dr. Ambedkar’s thinking on these two special contributions to Triratna culture is explored.

This is not the final talk because Suvajra intends to complete the series on October 14th when the Adhisthana community and friends will celebrate the 60th anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism.

Carunalaka's picture

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk two)

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk two)

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Fri, 7 Oct, 2016 - 10:56

Continuing his series on Sangharakshita’s eight main contributions to Triratna, Suvajra explores Spiritual Friendship and the Individual.

He highlights similar views and aspirations that Babasaheb had for his followers when embracing the Buddha Dhamma, using anecdotes and observations from his many years spent in India.

Vimalasara's picture

MBAR Bursaries

MBAR Bursaries

From Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction on Thu, 6 Oct, 2016 - 22:18

If you are free from Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th October - inspired to spend 3 days with me learning about addiction, craving and recovery. West London Buddhist Centre are offering bursaries for my Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery Course - - write to info [at] put MBAR bursary in subject. Hope to see some of you. Half price Bursaries - see page  About the course

Carunalaka's picture

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk one, part two)

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk one, part two)

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Thu, 6 Oct, 2016 - 14:22

In part two of Suvajra’s first talk in a series about Sangharakshita’s eight special contributions to Triratna, he talks about the Twenty-four Nidana Chain and Higher Evolution.

These, he says, are unique to Bhante’s approach.

Suvajra also draws on the Buddha’s teaching and makes the link with Babasaheb’s approach to transcendence from suffering through faith and so on.

Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Online Pāli School

From Western Buddhist Review on Thu, 6 Oct, 2016 - 11:17

Online Pāli School

From Western Buddhist Review on Thu, 6 Oct, 2016 - 11:17

Prof Richard Gombrich is running another of his online Pāli schools, this coming 7–26 November, recommended as an introduction to the Pāli language. Full details at

shraddhavani's picture

Sunday Program: Still Pools - Heart-Mind Clarity

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 5 Oct, 2016 - 23:20

Sunday Program: Still Pools - Heart-Mind Clarity

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 5 Oct, 2016 - 23:20

Join us this Sunday, October 9, 10AM-12PM, as we continue our exploration of “Mind in Harmony,” looking at how we can learn to work with our minds to achieve greater positivity and equanimity in our responses to the world around us.  Our leader in this series, Dh. Viriyalila, says this about the topic for this Sunday:  ”Seeing ourselves clearly, in outward actions of body and speech, as well as our more private inward actions of the mind, is...

Carunalaka's picture

Chanting Indian Style (with Flute Music)

Here’s a live recording from the original ‘Dharmachakra Tapes’ catalogue, with some wonderful chanting done India style!

It includes the Refuges and Precepts ‘Indian style’ so you can brush up on them before the next puja!

And as an extra treat, you can also hear some of Chandrabodhi’s ethereal flute songs. Lie back, close your eyes, and let the music in…
