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Sunday Program: Round and Round It Goes - Patterning of the Mind

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 29 Sep, 2016 - 14:43

Sunday Program: Round and Round It Goes - Patterning of the Mind

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 29 Sep, 2016 - 14:43

This Sunday, October 2, 10AM - 12PM, we continue our exploration of mind and mental events, led by Dh. Viriyalila. In the complicated and conflicted times we live in, learning to work with our minds is, from the Buddhist perspective, the essential skill for living ethically and finding equanimity.  This week, Viriyalila will help us grasp the concept of karma and see how it can bring greater clarity to our understanding of mental processes.  Here is what she says: 


parami's picture

BBC Inside Out (East) - Comunicado de Triratna

From Order Connection on Thu, 29 Sep, 2016 - 14:23

Queridos miembros de la Orden;

Hemos subido al espacio de Conexión de la Orden un comunicado de Triratna en respuesta al programa local de televisión de la BBC “Inside Out” (East) , que estuvo al aire el 26 de septiembre de 2016. El objeto de este programa fueron temas históricos concernientes a Sangharakshita, la sexualidad y la época temprana de los Amigos de la Orden Budista Occidental. Este comunicado fue elaborado con la colaboración de Candradasa, Dhammarati, Munisha y Parami, con...

shraddhavani's picture

Parking Around Portsmouth Buddhist Center

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 29 Sep, 2016 - 14:15

Parking Around Portsmouth Buddhist Center

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 29 Sep, 2016 - 14:15

Parking in Portsmouth can be tough, especially on Thursday and Friday evenings. The city of Portsmouth has a website to help you figure it all out, including this convenient map of city parking lots.  In addition, the bank lots near PBC on State St. and Pleasant St. allow parking during off hours.  The free city lot and bank lots on Parrott Ave. and Pleasant St. usually have lots of empty spaces around 10AM on Sunday.

Amaradaya's picture

The Forest Garden

From Clear Vision Trust on Wed, 28 Sep, 2016 - 11:36

The Forest Garden

From Clear Vision Trust on Wed, 28 Sep, 2016 - 11:36

For the past 6 years Sagaravajra has been creating a Pure Land in a small field in a corner of East Devon, UK

parami's picture

BBC Inside Out (East) - Triratna Statement

From Order Connection on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 20:19

Here is a statement from Triratna in response to the BBC’s local television programme Inside Out (East), broadcast on September 26th 2016, looking at historical issues around Sangharakshita, sex, and the early days of the FWBO. It was worked on by Candradasa, Dhammarati, Munisha, and Parami, with helpful input and support from Saddhaloka, Subhuti, and Vishvapani.

Please feel free to use as a resource for anyone at your Centre – or in your spaces online – who may benefit from...

Saccanama's picture

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2016

From College of Public Preceptors on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 09:39

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2016

From College of Public Preceptors on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 09:39

At Akashavana on 16th September the following women received their public ordination:

Public Preceptor: Padmasuri

Claire Brown becomes Amrtavani (the third ‘a’ is long as is the final ‘i’).
Sanskrit name meaning: ’She who plays the music of the deathless’ ‘she whose song is limitless’
Westernised spelling: Amritavani
Private Preceptor: Dhatvisvari


Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

My Life and Dr Ambedkar

From North London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 00:00
Chandrabodhi talks about his life and work, and the influence of Dr Ambedkar. Given at Sangha night, North London Buddhist Centre.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas

From North London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 00:00
An introduction to the mandala of the five Buddhas, starting a series of talks on that theme. Given at Sangha night, North London Buddhist Centre.
