dhammamegha's picture

2016 International Council Meeting - summary

From Triratna International Council on Wed, 5 Oct, 2016 - 10:34

The International Council met at Adhisthana from the 1st to the 8th of August 2016.

Here is a presentation of who was there, the areas of interest to different Area Councils, and the programme.

It also includes the priorities going forward for the International Council over the next year or two: what each of the strands is taking forward, and what the Council as a whole has set as priorities. These include a response to diversity and access, a review of the system of...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Nederlandstalige Orde Sangha

From Order Connection on Tue, 4 Oct, 2016 - 16:30

Nederlandstalige Orde Sangha (group)

From Order Connection on Tue, 4 Oct, 2016 - 16:30

More information on this group coming soon!

Carunalaka's picture

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk one, part one)

The Buddha, Bhante and Babasaheb (Talk one, part one)

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Tue, 4 Oct, 2016 - 12:25

Sangharakshita’s Eight Special Contributions to Triratna.

Talk one (part one) by Suvajra

To celebrate the anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism, Dhammachari Suvajra gives a series of talks drawing out the special contributions that Bhante has made to Triratna.

In this series of talks, he highlights the similarities between Bhante’s approach and Dr Ambedkar’s.

Talk one, part one focuses on Going for Refuge which Suvajra says, underpins all the other approaches.

For those who wish to draw closer to their international sangha, this is an invaluable set of talks. It includes many...

akasajoti's picture

Dharma Life Course Alumni

Mon, 3 Oct, 2016 - 14:27

Dharma Life Course Alumni (group)

Mon, 3 Oct, 2016 - 14:27

A platform for all of us who have been on the Dharma Life training courses here at Adhisthana to communicate and share resources.

Next Dharma Course Alumni Retreat: 15-18 June 2017

Saccanama's picture

Ordinations at Guhyaloka 1st October 2016

From College of Public Preceptors on Sun, 2 Oct, 2016 - 18:27

Ordinations at Guhyaloka 1st October 2016

From College of Public Preceptors on Sun, 2 Oct, 2016 - 18:27

We are delighted to announce the names of the eleven new Dharmacharis who were ordained yesterday at a completely bilingual retreat at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre.

Estoy muy contento de anunciar los nombres de once nuevos Dharmacharis que se ordenaron ayer en un retiro completamente bilingüe en el centro de retiros de Guhyaloka.

Public Preceptor/Preceptor Público: Mahamati

Mat New...

Maniraja's picture

Ordinations at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre

From Order Connection on Sun, 2 Oct, 2016 - 15:34

Ordinations at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre

From Order Connection on Sun, 2 Oct, 2016 - 15:34

Dear Order Members,

I am delighted to announce the names of the eleven new Dharmacharis who were ordained yesterday at a completely bilingual retreat at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre.

Estoy muy contento de anunciar los nombres de once nuevos Dharmacharis que se ordenaron ayer en un retiro completamente bilingüe en el centro de retiros de Guhyaloka.

Public Preceptor/Preceptor Público: Mahamati

Mat New
becomes Saṅgharuci,
a Sanskrit name meaning “He Who Longs for Spiritual...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Working with the Dhyanas

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 2 Oct, 2016 - 00:00
Dayajoti discusses the first four dhyanas and how we can work with contentment and pleasurable experience in meditation.
mokshini's picture

Invite to open meeting of the NBO on 5 November 2016

From European Chairs' Assembly on Sat, 1 Oct, 2016 - 13:01

The Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO )is hosting a gathering in London on November 5th, details below and on the attached poster. The main emphasis of the gathering is to discuss the theme, “Buddhism in action: what are we doing?”, but there will be a short AGM, too. 
You and members of all Triratna Sangha are warmly invited to come along, and please spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested. These gatherings are a unique...

Amalaketu's picture

India Day

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Sat, 1 Oct, 2016 - 11:07

India Day

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Sat, 1 Oct, 2016 - 11:07

Dear Colchester Sangha and friends, 

I’d like to remind you of a special event we are holding on Sunday October 9th starting at 10:30am until 4:30pm in order to celebrate Dr Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary (14 April) as well as the 60 years since he converted to Buddhism along with 500,000 of his followers (14 October).
We will be meditating, chanting (in Indian style) the refuges and precepts, and having an Indian feast for lunch! 

Shantavira's picture

Shabda October 2016

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Oct, 2016 - 10:20

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save time and postage costs.

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