mokshini's picture

Publicity - Internet Marketing Strategy

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 25 Feb, 2017 - 10:24

At the last Groups & Pioneers weekend at Adhisthana in January 2017, Keith Griggs from the Broxbourne Triratna Group gave a presentation of Internet Marketing strategies - he offered loads of ideas and strategies, as well as questions for those leading Groups to think about. These publicity materials could be very helpful for many of us, whether we lead a Triratna Group or indeed a Buddhist Centre -  it should give all of us some ideas to help us promote our local...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Dh. Anantvirya 110 days Solitary Experience

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Feb, 2017 - 16:57

Dh. Anantvirya 110 days Solitary Experience

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Feb, 2017 - 16:57

Dhammachari Anantvirya is doing solitary retreat at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat center since 2011. Up till now he has done three one months solitary. But this year he as done solitary for almost for four months ie is 110 days Started from 6th Nov 2016 and end on 24th Feb 2017.. Even though condition was not favorable but because of determination able to complete his solitary.

Dh. Anantvirya is ordain on 25th Dec 1987. He is from camp center in Pune. Worked in Indian...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Living What We Love - a Response to the Four Sights

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Tue, 21 Feb, 2017 - 00:00
A talk given by Amitasuri at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 23rd March 2015 at Triratna Night Amitasuri explores with us what can happen when faced with well-being, illness, age­ing and death, and looks at how the Dharma might influence our response. Amitasuri takes her Dharma practice to her work as a Buddhist Hospital Chaplain, where she supports health and well-being through pastoral, religious and spiritual care for staff, patients and their families in a number of hospitals in Greater Manchester.
Prajnamati's picture

Bhante on Blake: Vision

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 - 13:28

This article comes is part of a project to explore the way Bhante has drawn on the writings of William Blake to teach the Dharma in the west. In this article, I’ve drawn together all the references Bhante has made to William Blake where he is articulating the theme of vision. The overview contains a brief description of Blake’s hierarchical conception of vision followed by a summary of the references Bhante makes to this grouped according to the particular points...

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Bhante on Blake: Vision573.98 KB
Aryanisha's picture

Las Venezolanas

From Triratna News on Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 - 11:34

Las Venezolanas

From Triratna News on Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 - 11:34

Today we report on a group of women practising the Dharma in a really challenging environment: Venezuela.

You might have missed it, but Venezuela is in the middle of a severe political and economic crisis. According to Bloomberg, the annual inflation rate is about 1200%. With Brexit going on, here in the UK the rate is around 1.8%, and that’s considered high. Food and medicine shortages and a currency nosedive are just some of the problems Venezuelans are facing.

In the midst of...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Women GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 19 Feb, 2017 - 04:30

Women GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 19 Feb, 2017 - 04:30

From 5th to 12th Feb 2017 Women Going for Refugee (GFR) Retreat led by Dh. Vijaya At Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center. Thanks for Gautami Shinde for Nice photo

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio


From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 19 Feb, 2017 - 00:00
Lovely talk by Dhammavijaya on happiness. He starts with the immortal lines 'Bring me sunshine, in your smile...'! Then discusses the importance of sukkha in our lives and looks at the 12 positive nidanas before asking is happiness a cause or an effect? This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in February 2017 as part of our regular Saturday Morning Sangha class.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio


From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 19 Feb, 2017 - 00:00
Lovely talk by Dhammavijaya on happiness. He starts with the immortal lines 'Bring me sunshine, in your smile...'! Then discusses the importance of sukkha in our lives and looks at the 12 positive nidanas before asking is happiness a cause or an effect? This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in February 2017 as part of our regular Saturday Morning Sangha class.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Imagination, the Mahayana and Us

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 19 Feb, 2017 - 00:00
Recognised and used creatively rather than reactively, imagination can be like a magical key in our spiritual lives. Having explored the way in which it is implicit in the Buddha's teaching on vision and transformation, Satyalila gives a poet's-eye view of the unfolding of the Mahayana tradition. We all have the 'seeds' of inspiration and transformation 'in' us, dormant until they are watered by the rain of the Dharma. NB This is the second recording in a series of four talks on 'Imagination, the Buddhist Tradition & Us'. The recording of the first talk in this series ('Imagination, the Buddha & Us') failed, but it's summarised at the start of each of the 3 subsequent talks. A full set of notes (with illustrations) of all the talks is available from .
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Free Buddhist Audio

Imagination, the Vajrayana and Us

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 19 Feb, 2017 - 00:00
The 'Vajrayana' means 'the way of the vajra'. Satyalila explores and explains how the vajra symbolizes the capacity to transform our darkest and most difficult experience into the liberated energy of awakening. She describes her personal experience of this and concludes with an exploration of the five Buddha mandala as a way of bringing powerful diverse energies into creative, harmonious relationship. NB This is the third recording in a series of four talks. The recording of the first talk in this series ('Imagination, the Buddha & Us') failed, but it's summarised at the start of each of the 3 subsequent talks and a full set of notes (with illustrations) of all the talks is available from .
