Aparimana's picture

Are We A Buddhist Order?

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 25 Oct, 2017 - 13:20

Are We A Buddhist Order?

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 25 Oct, 2017 - 13:20

Open to all - if you wish to share, please do so using this link:


The Dharma cannot be adequately expressed in any conceptual framework or model, and yet such models are important, unavoidable even, for Dharma farers.  The model that we have of the path and goal affect our practice and indeed the whole of our lives - they matter a great deal.

If no model can perfectly encapsulate the Dharma, does that mean that they are...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

What the Dharma Means to Me

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Wed, 25 Oct, 2017 - 01:00
In this talk Shuddhavasin explores his life story. He describes how he became a political activist, but found that things didn't change. He describes how Buddhism brought meaning to his life, how he discovered the Sangha and how he moved towards Ordination. Shuddhavasin explores his feelings of gratitude to the Buddhist path and Triratna, and he finishes by describing his deepening relationship with Green Tara. We finish by chanting the Green Tara mantra. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in 2017 as part of our Saturday Sangha morning series.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

What the Dharma Means to Me

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Wed, 25 Oct, 2017 - 00:00
In this talk Shuddhavasin explores his life story. He describes how he became a political activist, but found that things didn't change. He describes how Buddhism brought meaning to his life, how he discovered the Sangha and how he moved towards Ordination. Shuddhavasin explores his feelings of gratitude to the Buddhist path and Triratna, and he finishes by describing his deepening relationship with Green Tara. We finish by chanting the Green Tara mantra. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in 2017 as part of our Saturday Sangha morning series.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Naked Sky Dancer - Moksatara

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 20 Oct, 2017 - 01:00
Moksatara explores the Dakini Vajrayogini, the embodiment of a female Buddha, energy and spritual friend. Series of Sangha night talks at in which the Vajrayana is explored through myths, images and symbols Recorded at Sheffield Buddhsit Centre 17.10.17
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Beneficial Activity

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 20 Oct, 2017 - 01:00
As part of our series of talks on the four Samgrahavastus, Viryajyoti speaks on Beneficial Activity - Arthacarya.
mokshini's picture

Rivendell Requires a New Retreat Centre Manager OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017 - 07:44

Rivendell Requires a New Retreat Centre Manager OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017 - 07:44

Rivendell Retreat Centre requires a live-in full-time Retreat Centre Manager to join the team to oversee the day-to-day general management of the retreat centre.

To apply you will need to be an Order member, a fluent English speaker and hold a current full UK driving license. It is essential you have office and computing skills, with experience of Word and Excel and managing websites and social media. Experience will be needed in management and office administration as well as the ability...

Dhanakosa's picture

Guided walk from one of our Hillwalking retreats

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Wed, 18 Oct, 2017 - 14:12

Guided walk from one of our Hillwalking retreats

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Wed, 18 Oct, 2017 - 14:12

Nature is for many of us an important source of spiritual nourishment in an increasingly busy world. On this retreat we combined traditional Buddhist teachings with the simple practice of spending time walking in the rich and beautiful landscapes that surround Dhanakosa.

Come on retreat at Dhanakosa: https://www.dhanakosa.com/retreats

Vaddhaka's picture

Buddha on Wall Street Podcast Episode #1 - Waking Up to a Wise Earth

From The Buddha on Wall Street Podcast on Wed, 4 Oct, 2017 - 21:07

Please note that the transcript for this podcast can be downloaded at the following link

At the beginning of the podcast itself I give an incorrect web address.

Munisha's picture

Triratna Amsterdam's new Buddhist centre

From Triratna News on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 13:37

Triratna Amsterdam's new Buddhist centre

From Triratna News on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 13:37

Gunabhadri writes from Amsterdam with a five-minute video about the Amsterdam Buddhist Centre’s move (by bicycle!) to new premises in an old hospital (also home to Mokshagandhi).

“On the full moon evening of Wednesday 6th September the new Amsterdam Buddhist Centre officially opened.

For the last time, we shared an evening meal in our old centre in the Palmstraat and then a lamp was lit and transported to the new location by bicycle, together with a painting of Akshobya...

mokshini's picture

Does your Centre or Group need meditation cushions or mats?

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 16 Oct, 2017 - 08:27

Does your Centre or Group need meditation cushions or mats?

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 16 Oct, 2017 - 08:27

Here is an update from Vajranatha from Merida in Venzuela, where he and the Sangha there, as well as the rest of the country, faces a very difficult situation. 

Do watch the 6 minute video and share it with the people in your sangha especially as an update to the first Metta for Merida video that was posted in August. 


But importantly there is an immediate way your Buddhist Centre or Group may be able to help, especially if you are...
