sanghadhara's picture

‘The Dharma and the mucky window’ - Bodhinaga

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 6 Nov, 2017 - 15:00

‘The Dharma and the mucky window’ - Bodhinaga

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 6 Nov, 2017 - 15:00

Bodhinaga speaks on ‘What I Want from the Triratna Buddhist Order’ during the UK & Ireland Men’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, 4 November 2017

sanghadhara's picture

‘Let love and duty coincide’ - Dharmajit

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 6 Nov, 2017 - 15:00

‘Let love and duty coincide’ - Dharmajit

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 6 Nov, 2017 - 15:00

Dharmajit speaks on ‘What I Want from the Triratna Buddhist Order’ during the UK & Ireland Men’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, 4 November 2017

vajratara's picture

National Convention for Indian Youth - North India

From Community Highlights on Sun, 5 Nov, 2017 - 09:16

National Convention for Indian Youth - North India

From Community Highlights on Sun, 5 Nov, 2017 - 09:16

October this year saw the first North Indian National Youth Convention (of NNBY).  375 young people came to a retreat in Syna, UP.  Many of them were from areas without many Buddhists and were experiencing Triratna for the first time.  They were not necessarily from Buddhist families - there were some Muslims and some who had heard of Dr Ambedkar, but were new to Buddhism.  It was an immensely positive and inspiring event.  For some it was life...

Nandavajra's picture

Opportunity to join the Manchester Buddhist Centre team

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 16:30

Opportunity to join the Manchester Buddhist Centre team

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 16:30

Opportunity to join the Manchester Buddhist Centre team

Bookshop & Reception Manager (35 hours per week)  

The post holder will oversee all aspects of our busy shop and reception, working with and supervising a committed group of volunteers. Tasks will include maintaining the reception rota, ensuring there is effective reception cover, buying and developing bookshop stock, overseeing aspects of the shop budget and the profitability of the shop, and general duties around the MBC.

You will become part of the Heart Kula (Centre...

shraddhavani's picture

Money, Sex, God, Death and this week America!

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 2 Nov, 2017 - 15:38

Money, Sex, God, Death and this week America!

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 2 Nov, 2017 - 15:38

Join us this Sunday, 9:30AM-Noon at the historic PPMTV building on Marcy St. as we wrap up our five-part series of conversations about being Buddhist in the world today.  This week we look at our turbulent national context – America, with all its contradictions and challenges.  Following a period of mediation, Dh. Viriyalila will once again frame the conversation and pose some questions for us to explore.  

This is our regular community gathering and all are welcome.  Offered by donation...

padmavajra's picture

Resignation of Manjudeva

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 15:24

Resignation of Manjudeva

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 15:24

Dear Friends,

I am sorry to inform you that Manjudeva has written to me, as his public preceptor, resigning from the Order. Manjudeva has discussed his resignation with his private preceptor, Kulananda. I have accepted Manjudeva’s resignation. Manjudeva was ordained at Guhyaloka in June of 1999. Please find below Manjudeva’s letter explaining his reasons for resigning. We wish him all the best.



Dear Order members,

After many months deeply considering this and many years being on the fringes from the Triratna Order, I have decided to...

akasajoti's picture

Spiritual Receptivity Retreat With Vessantara (Adhisthana 2017) - Complete Retreat Recordings

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:21

In August 2017 at Adhisthana, Vessantara continued his exploration of our mandala of spiritual practice with a second, deeper look at Spiritual Receptivity. This retreat focused on Just Sitting, a practice in which we’re open to the whole of our experience which forms a vital balance to structured practice, and is also the centre of the meditative mandala, where everything culminates in an experience which Sangharakshita describes as ‘existential relaxation’.

In this series of sessions, Vessantara weaves input around guided...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

International Order Convention - Bodh Gaya 2018

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:54

International Order Convention - Bodh Gaya 2018

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:54

For the third time, the 2018 International Convention will be held at Bodhgaya. We will practise on our own land at the Three Jewels Centre, and around the Bodhi Tree.

It will run from dinner on Sunday 4th February until after breakfast on Sunday 11 February 2018.

There will be no fixed charge, but a donation is requested to cover the cost of all food, and the considerable expenses associated with staging the convention. We need an average donation of £120 per head to break even.

Accommodation is provided, but...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Interview with Vajragupta on Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature

From Windhorse Publications on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017 - 09:23

Interview with Vajragupta on Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature

From Windhorse Publications on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017 - 09:23

Vajragupta is ordained within the Triratna Buddhist movement, and the author of a couple of our bestsellers. Sailing the Worldly Winds and Buddhism: Tools for Living Your Life provide clear introductions and guidance to incorporating meditation and Buddhist practices into daily life. Vajragupta also wrote The Triratna Story, which provides perspectives on the Triratna Buddhist movement from its beginnings in the 1970s to the modern day.

Vajragupta is currently working on two books – Wild Awake, which we will publish...

Dhanakosa's picture

Guided walk from one of our Hillwalking retreats

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Wed, 18 Oct, 2017 - 14:12

Guided walk from one of our Hillwalking retreats

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Wed, 18 Oct, 2017 - 14:12

Nature is for many of us an important source of spiritual nourishment in an increasingly busy world. On this retreat we combined traditional Buddhist teachings with the simple practice of spending time walking in the rich and beautiful landscapes that surround Dhanakosa.

Come on retreat at Dhanakosa:
