Sadayasihi's picture

Islam and the Buddha - New Writing from Sangharakshita

From Community Highlights on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 11:53

Islam and the Buddha - New Writing from Sangharakshita

From Community Highlights on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 11:53

Following on from his previous piece, Buddhism and Islam, Sangharakshita discusses Shah-Kazemi’s Common Ground Between Islam and Buddhism, with special reference to an article of his own published sixty or more years ago, Religion as Revelation and Discovery.

This piece is open to all and can be read on Sangharakshita’s website: Islam and the Buddha along with other articles he has written.

Sanghanistha's picture

2019 dates announced, plus an exciting new project...

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Mon, 3 Sep, 2018 - 08:55

2019 dates announced, plus an exciting new project...

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Mon, 3 Sep, 2018 - 08:55

If you are on our mailing list then you will have received an email containing dates for Padmaloka retreats in 2019. If you haven’t received this email then do check your spam folders and promotions folders, as well as making the appropriate adjustments to your email service provider’s settings to ensure our emails to you go straight into your primary inbox. Our 2019 printed program is nearly ready to send out to you and our 2019 retreats will be available...

ratnadharini's picture

Update on Ashokashuri's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Sep, 2018 - 01:55

Update on Ashokashuri's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Sep, 2018 - 01:55

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing to let you know that Ashokashuri (Birmingham, UK) was taken into hospital last week with severe pain, and diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. She was looking much better once the pain was brought under control, and is now back home. Unfortunately the journey left her feeling very unwell and needing adjustment to her medication, and so she is not able to receive visitors. I’m sure she would love to receive...

swadipa's picture

An Update on Lokamdhara's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Sep, 2018 - 01:46

An Update on Lokamdhara's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 1 Sep, 2018 - 01:46

Dear Order Members,

As many will know, Lokamdhara underwent surgery five years ago for a cancer of the oesophagus. Although troubled by problems with his digestion, he otherwise made a good recovery from this procedure. Over the past couple of months he felt he was getting more discomfort, which become more acute in recent weeks. Three weeks ago he had a CT scan in Colchester, and sadly this revealed another tumour, this time within his pancreas. In...

shubhavyuha's picture

Sikkha website is now up and running

From The Sikkha Project on Thu, 30 Aug, 2018 - 16:23

Sikkha website is now up and running

From The Sikkha Project on Thu, 30 Aug, 2018 - 16:23

We are happy to say that the Sikkha website is now up and running at Here you will find our first offering of three introductory courses. For each course there are weekly teachers notes, a short video introducing the theme for the week and a talk as it was presented during a course. All of the course material has been produced in order to resource Order members who teach at centres with material to stimulate and support their...

Jayamuni's picture

Programme de la rentrée 2018/19

From Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne on Thu, 30 Aug, 2018 - 11:28

Programme de la rentrée 2018/19

From Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne on Thu, 30 Aug, 2018 - 11:28


Stage d’approfondissement (Niveau 2)

Vous avez déjà suivi un stage d’initiation et vous vous voulez aller un peu plus loin ? Ce stage de 5 semaines explore comment travailler avec les distractions, comment gérer l’effort, l’absorption… pour apprivoiser un peu plus l’art de la méditation.

Le lundi 19h45 à 22h, du 10 sept au 15 oct (Attention, pas de session le 17 septembre)

Stage d’initiation à la méditation (Niveau 1)

Vous souhaitez découvrir la méditation ? Ce stage d’initiation sur 5 semaines vous permettra d’apprendre les deux méditations bouddhistes...

Amaradaya's picture

Buddhafield East Cafe- NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 17 Aug, 2018 - 15:25

Buddhafield East Cafe- NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 17 Aug, 2018 - 15:25

Buddhafield East Cafe goes from strength to strength, moving to the heart of the field at this years Buddhafield Festival. Clear Vision spends a few days with them to see how they make baking cakes into a spiritual practice.

Dhammavijaya's picture

India Dhamma Trust in the BigGive Christmas Challenge

India Dhamma Trust in the BigGive Christmas Challenge

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Fri, 17 Aug, 2018 - 17:19


This year, India Dhamma Trust is applying to take part in the BigGive’s Christmas Challenge

The Challenge works by acquiring pledges to match gifts made to the charity on a specific week in November/December. These gifts may be matched again by The BigGive’s own philanthropist Champions, meaning the potential for gifts made in that week to be quadrupled.

We are hoping to acquire pledges to matchfund (send no money now) amounting to £2500.


Sadayasihi's picture

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

“The culmination of wisdom is freedom from all views. You have nothing to say. When all the answers are in your being, you have no need to keep them in your head.” - Sangharakshita (Seminar on The Door of Liberation)

The goal of Buddhism is the attainment of Enlightenment - but what is Enlightenment? One way of describing it is seeing the true nature of reality and living in accordance with that vision. An Enlightened being is free...

Candradasa's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Amitamati and Ratnadeva (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 16:21

It’s like the laboratory of our minds.

It excites me too, the science… very strong links, science and Dharma.

NB. Amitamati has been in touch to say that in track 3 when she refers to having studied “Social Sciences” for 25 years she actually meant “Life Sciences”.

Amitamati’s Annals

In 1968: I wasn’t born! May be My consciousness was waiting for the right womb!

I was born in 1970 into a Buddhist family – my grandparents on both sides had converted with Dr...
