Candradasa's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Amitamati and Ratnadeva (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 16:21

It’s like the laboratory of our minds.

It excites me too, the science… very strong links, science and Dharma.

NB. Amitamati has been in touch to say that in track 3 when she refers to having studied “Social Sciences” for 25 years she actually meant “Life Sciences”.

Amitamati’s Annals

In 1968: I wasn’t born! May be My consciousness was waiting for the right womb!

I was born in 1970 into a Buddhist family – my grandparents on both sides had converted with Dr...

Dayajoti's picture

Dhyana: Entering and Deepening: updated version

From Shabda Articles on Tue, 28 Aug, 2018 - 10:21

As I’ve revised this document a couple of times since last posting it, I thought it was worth putting up the latest one, version 7.

Satyalila's picture

Fifty Years, Fifty Voices Website now live!

From Buddhist Voices on Sun, 26 Aug, 2018 - 19:18

Fifty Years, Fifty Voices Website now live!

From Buddhist Voices on Sun, 26 Aug, 2018 - 19:18

Just a quick note to announce that the Fifty Years, Fifty Voices website is now live!  It was always our intention to present the voices through a website, not just this, more ’linear’, blog.  Rijupatha has made a great start with the website, presenting all the voices currently available (20/50 so far) in an ‘at a glance’ way, side by side, but also sort-able by the topic areas each person touches on.  It’s a beginning of the vision for the website and...

Nandavajra's picture

Ecodharma joint Project Coordinator opportunity

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 12:29

Ecodharma joint Project Coordinator opportunity

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 12:29

Ecodharma joint Project Coordinator opportunity

Last year the Ecodharma Centre launched a new initiative – the Ulex Project ( The Ulex Project is about using activist education to build capacity, impact and resilience in progressive social movements across Europe. It takes an approach that recognises the inseparability of transforming the self and transforming the world. Although the trainings are framed in a secular way, the project is underpinned by principles of Dharma.

To meet the enthusiastic response to our work at our...

Nandavajra's picture

New View Residential new team member opportunity

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 12:17

New View Residential new team member opportunity

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 12:17

New View Residential new team member opportunity

New View Residential is an ethical residential letting and property management business and part of the Cambridge Triratna Buddhist Mandala. We play a key role in the activity of the Windhorse Trust which provides financial support for many Triratna projects. We support the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge and experience of property management within Triratna.

New View Residential Team

Our current (mixed gender) team of four experienced Order Members (Kulapriya, Keturaja, Prasannavira & Samamati) has recently been joined...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Family Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:47

Family Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:47

Family Retreat arrange by Dh. Aryabal from 17th to 19th Aug 18 at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat.

Very nice presentation by Dhm. Satish Moon on Parenting.

Saddhammapradip's picture

Retreat Center Community with Dh. Subhuti

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:40

Retreat Center Community with Dh. Subhuti

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:40

After Order retreat community members got together with Dh. Subhuti, 

Saddhammapradip's picture

Order Retreat July 18

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:35

Order Retreat July 18

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:35

Order Retreat Led by Dh. Subhuti at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat center. Subject for this retreat was Satipattana Sutta. More attention was paid on developing Body awareness.

Very beautiful verse compose by Dh. Subhuti as awareness before starting each meal. 

Prajnaketu's picture

The ’ideal fundraiser’!

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:25

The ’ideal fundraiser’!

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:25

Prajnaketu talks to Mike and Kusaladevi about their experiences of leading a Karuna appeal, the support they give to participants, and what the ‘ideal fundraiser’ looks like. Also there’s some info on how to apply to do an appeal and what to expect. Check out for more!

Saddhammapradip's picture

Chi-Kung Retreat with Sifu Steven

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 06:42

Chi-Kung Retreat with Sifu Steven

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 06:42

For the past four years Sifu Steven is leading the Chi-Kung Retreat for the benefit of the beginners, intermediate and advance students of Chi Kung Exercise. Chi Kung is over 3000 year old closely guarded technique of summoning the inner energy or “Chi” in the body.  It is only at the beginning of the 20th century that the Chi-Kung was made publicly available through the efforts of Master Lang who was a physician...
