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Centre Team

Introducing Seven-point Mind Training and The Four Reminders

Introducing Seven-point Mind Training and The Four Reminders

From International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers' on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 09:00

Yashobodhi is our guide for this year’s Dharma immersion online and at Triratna Centres around the world as part of the 2018 International Practice Week

To get us ready for Day 1, here we get an encouraging introduction to what the seven-point mind training has to offer anyone interested in learning to work more effectively to lessen suffering (our own and other people’s). Yashobodhi’s experience with this material shines through - as does the practical joy of engaging in this way....

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Public Ordinations at Akashavana

From Triratna News on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 17:56

Public Ordinations at Akashavana

From Triratna News on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 17:56

We are very pleased to announce the public ordination of the following seven women at Akashavana Retreat Centre.

Public Preceptor Punyamala:

Cait Hughes becomes Dānajotī (Pali)
Official westernised spelling: Danajoti
Name meaning: ”She whose light is generosity”
Private Preceptor: Maitrisara

Tracey Dibble becomes Prajñāśrī (Sanskrit)
Official westernised spelling: Prajnashri
Name meaning: ”She who has the radiance of wisdom”
Private Preceptor: Santasiddhi

Inge Heathfield becomes Candramaitrī (Sanskrit)
Official westernised spelling: Candramaitri
Name meaning: ”She whose love is like...

punyamala's picture

Public Ordinations at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 17:50

Public Ordinations at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 17:50

Dear Order Members,

We are very pleased to announce the public ordination of the following seven women at Akashavana Retreat Centre.

Public Preceptor Punyamala:

Cait Hughes becomes Dānajotī (Pali)
Official westernised spelling: Danajoti
Name meaning: “She whose light is generosity”
Private Preceptor: Maitrisara

Tracey Dibble becomes Prajñāśrī (Sanskrit)
Official westernised spelling: Prajnashri
Name meaning: ”She who has the radiance of wisdom”
Private Preceptor: Santasiddhi

Inge Heathfield becomes Candramaitrī (Sanskrit)
Official westernised...

Sadayasihi's picture

Suvana Co-housing Project in Cambridge

From Triratna News on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 10:46

Suvana Co-housing Project in Cambridge

From Triratna News on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 10:46

A group of Order Members and Mitras from the Cambridge Sangha have been meeting for about nine months with the vision of creating a different kind of community.  They have formed the Suvana co-housing project - ‘Suvana’ meaning ‘happy realm’.

Tejasvini (chair of the project) writes: “We imagine living separately (own front door) but together (in the same street or square), with many other shared facilities.

It will be newly built, sustainable, low carbon footprint, the community inspired by...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Story of the Buddha's Awakening

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 00:00
The Story of the Buddha’s Awakening. Ratnaprabha came to the LBC for Buddha Day, the key festival celebrating the Buddha’s attainment of Enlightenment
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mystery of Human Enlightenment

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 00:00
We’ve all heard of enlightenment, but what does it mean and how can we attain it? Is it even realistically possible in the midst of busy London life? Come and hear more about the great mystery and how it can transform our lives.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mandala Evening 2018: The Action of Liberation

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 00:00
Jnanavaca's keynote talk to launch the London Buddhist Centre into 2018. The spiritual community, the Sangha, is the ideal context in which we can practise the Dharma. It is also a force for good in the world and an ideal in its own right. But how is the Sangha sustained? Continuing our exploration of ‘The Four Sangharavastus’ (or Means of Unification of the Sangha), Jnanavaca launches the year with a keynote talk on the third of these, Beneficial Activity, which is about building the Buddhaland; trying to do something useful, to act helpfully, to bring about a spiritual benefit for others and overcoming the habitual force of ‘me’.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mandala Evening 2018: The Action of Liberation

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 00:00
Jnanavaca's keynote talk to launch the London Buddhist Centre into 2018. The spiritual community, the Sangha, is the ideal context in which we can practise the Dharma. It is also a force for good in the world and an ideal in its own right. But how is the Sangha sustained? Continuing our exploration of ‘The Four Sangharavastus’ (or Means of Unification of the Sangha), Jnanavaca launches the year with a keynote talk on the third of these, Beneficial Activity, which is about building the Buddhaland; trying to do something useful, to act helpfully, to bring about a spiritual benefit for others and overcoming the habitual force of ‘me’.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Winter Retreat 2017 - "Now Is the Time to Prepare For Death"

From Community Highlights on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 00:00
Maitreyabandhu completes the cycle of this year's talks: a beautiful evocation of the Buddha's Parinirvana, his final passing away.
