Imagine the Buddha
Imagine the Buddha
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Audio from the International Retreat 2012
Here all the main audio recordings we made on the International Retreat in May, now with added Soundcloud goodness!

You can also hear delightful little audio snippets from the retreat over on audioboo, and subscribe to our ongoing podcast there featuring little bits of life from around the Triratna Buddhist Community.
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Images from the retreat
A few last images from the retreat - thanks to Arthur Hyam for being there and capturing the moment(s). Find him on Facebook. Arthur Hyam Photography. Were you there? Post your own in our 'Imagine the Buddha' space! Or let us know the link if they're elsewhere...
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Next to the fire, yet again
Me and Jnanarakshita as the fire gets going for the evening...
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Richly Endowed Buddha of the Southern Realm
In the third in our series of talks from the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Dhammadinna evokes Ratnasambhava, the 'Richly Endowed Buddha of the Southern Realm'...
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Announcing the Skype Meditators Group
We had a great idea during our live Facebook discussion today - a group for everyone who might like to get together with others and meditate on Skype. So roll up, roll up... :)
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Dawn Ritual to the Buddha of the East
On the last full day of the International Retreat, we held a 24-hour cycle of ceremonies to the Buddhas of the Four Directions, starting with a Dawn Ritual to Akshobya, the Buddha of the East... 4.45am, the birds were singing, the sky was red, and 60 buddhists began their day of practice...
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Facebook Discussion Imminent!
Hi all, remember we'll be having a live discussion space on Facebook this afternoon/evening on themes from the International Retreat. Join us anytime between 2-4pm EST / 5-7pm UK for as long as you like. We'd love if you can! Here are some topics we might look at, but any other ideas also welcome and we'll see what emerges from the live space:

1. How do YOU imagine the Buddha? We've seen pictures, heard talks, etc. about how others do. But what keeps you connected to him?

Do you think connection with the Buddha himself as a figure is important? Or do you think you can consider Buddhist ideas without the Buddha?

2. In Ratnaguna's talk he speaks beautifully about some differences between an oral culture and a literary one:

He says: "Reading and writing changes the structure of consciousness…"

What do we think? Does that make sense to you? And what do you think the Buddha would make of the internet? What do you make of it?!

3. Do Facebook and other social networks (including this new one!) make things better or worse in terms of our ability to engage with the Buddha imaginatively? What do you look for in Dharma spaces online?

4. We've found it inspiring to hear reports from places like Denmark and the Netherlands:

How do you stay connected with others who share your values but may live a world away?

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Arthamitra introduces Metta Vihara
Live on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Arthamitra introduces Metta Vihara - Triratna's new purpose-built Retreat Centre in the Netherlands. Find it at
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Mandala of the Buddha
A talk given by Kamalashila on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, in which he explores the 'Mandala of the Buddha' - some of the Buddha's many qualities which, perhaps, gave rise to the later Mahayana 'Mandala of the Five Buddhas'.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Sevenfold Puja and Shakyamuni Mantras
A deliciously spacious Sevenfold Puja with all the trimmings, including two beautiful Shakyamuni Mantras, recorded live on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat at Taraloka.

Including verses from the Dhammapada read in Danish and the Heart Sutra in French.
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On the second evening of Triratna's 2012 International Retreat, Ratnaguna tells the sad story of the Buddha and Devadatta...
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Voice of the Buddha by Ratnaguna
We've all read the words of the Buddha - but what did he sound like? What might it have been like to actually hear him...? A beautifully imaginative and well-researched evovation of the Buddha.

Given on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, under the overall theme 'Imagining the Buddha'.
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Imagining the Buddha - by Maitreyabandhu
Imagining the Buddha - by Maitreyabandhu. In this talk Maitreyabandhu explores his responses to Aloka's remarkable new Buddha Rupa in the Padmaloka shrine room. You can see a glimpse of the image itself here.
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A quick guide to the online retreat (redux)
Thought I had better post this here too... :)

Hi all, here are a few things to bear in mind for the online version of the retreat, which we’ll be running from Friday till Tuesday - and beyond! We hope it’ll be a great space to connect with each other and keep your inspiration burning bright when the tents are all folded away and everyone’s home again…

1. This main space (the ‘Project’) will be the place to check for news and events and media from the retreat itself. We’ll be recording the talks for you and we hope you’ll feel free to discuss them as fully as you like in the ‘responses’ (comments) section to each post.

We’ll also have audio snippets from our roving reporters, Lokabandhu and Ivan, plenty of pictures, and we hope some video too.

2. If you want to post your own images or videos or inspired ramblings on the theme of the retreat, the broader Sangha context for that is the ‘Imagine the Buddha’ space (a ‘Group’ within this Project). If you took part in the Urban Retreat last year, you’ll know the score! If not, it’s basically a space for all of us to contribute our experience of reflecting on the Dharma within our everyday lives. Don’t be shy - it’s a great way to connect with others from around the world who, just like you, think this stuff matters… Let the conversations begin!

3. We have an On-site Parents Group space too. Feel free to post to it if you’re off-site too! Any stories you tell your kids to bring the Buddha alive? All discussion of being Dharma parents welcome!
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And the Twitter hashtag is...
If you're partial to a Tweet or two (but not a twit!) the hashtag for Twitter shenanigans with the International Retreat is #internationalretreat.

If you want to help spread the love for the new social network itself, the hashtag is #triratnaconnect.

ps. Our actual Twitter account is here, should you wish to follow...
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So, the theme of the retreat is 'Imagining the Buddha'. We need a related theme for our special Facebook discussion on Monday - but first we need a time! Make your choices here and we'll try and accommodate as many folk as we can... Thanks!

btw. You can join our Facebook Group here:

Times are given in EST (American - only because that's where our online team is!) please add 4 or 5 hours for European and UK equivalents respectively. Australasians, we salute you if you decide to get up very early and join us on your Tuesday!

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All Of Us...
We’re almost deliriously happy to launch formally our new kind of social network here on Here’s a wee video we made to celebrate!

This weekend's International Retreat will be the first with an online component! We loved the experiment last year with the Urban Retreat, so let's go for it again...
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