Hi all, here are a few things to bear in mind for the online version of the retreat, which we’ll be running from Friday till Tuesday - and beyond! We hope it’ll be a great space to connect with each other and keep your inspiration burning bright when the tents are all folded away and everyone’s home again…
1. This main space (the ‘Project’) will be the place to check for news and events and media from the retreat itself. We’ll be recording the talks for you and we hope you’ll feel free to discuss them as fully as you like in the ‘responses’ (comments) section to each post.
We’ll also have audio snippets from our roving reporters, Lokabandhu and Ivan, plenty of pictures, and we hope some video too.
2. If you want to post your own images or videos or inspired ramblings on the theme of the retreat, the broader Sangha context for that is the ‘Imagine the Buddha’ space (a ‘Group’ within this Project). If you took part in the Urban Retreat last year, you’ll know the score! If not, it’s basically a space for all of us to contribute our experience of reflecting on the Dharma within our everyday lives. Don’t be shy - it’s a great way to connect with others from around the world who, just like you, think this stuff matters… Let the conversations begin!
3. We have an On-site Parents Group space too. Feel free to post to it if you’re off-site too! Any stories you tell your kids to bring the Buddha alive? All discussion of being Dharma parents welcome!