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The Preliminaries Without Which No Means Exists: Three keynote talks live from Adhisthana

Friday 27, Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 August

12.00 US PST  |  14.00 Mexico  | 15.00 US EST  |  20.00 IE & UK  | 21.00 Europe CET  |  05.00 Australia EDT (next day)  | 07.00 New Zealand (next day)

Three keynote talks live from Adhisthana, part of Sub-35s Festival Retreat, open to all

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"Give me a few words of great import, an effective verse which I can memorize. Though I have not renounced the world, I would like to cherish within me a Doctrine which at a later time would lead me to Buddhahood”. To this the Guru replied, "Listen, Queen Ngang Chung! To begin with, pay urgent attention to impermanence, then strongly turn your mind towards taking Refuge, and direct your prayers to the lamas. These are the preliminaries without which no means exists”

These opening lines of Canto 103 from The Life & Liberation of Padmasambhava form the basis for the upcoming Sub35 Festival Retreat at Adhisthana: The Guru’s Advice. Each evening of the retreat people of any age are invited to tune in at 8pm (BST) to watch that day’s keynote talk live on YouTube:

Friday 27 August: ‘Turn your mind to going for refuge’ from Ratnaghosha
Saturday 28 August: ‘Direct your prayers to the lamas’ from Saddhanandi
Sunday 29 August: ‘Pay Urgent Attention to Impermanence’ from Dhammarati


Ratnaghosha: Born in Ireland, Ratnaghosha became a Buddhist after an encounter with a Sri Lankan monk in Berlin. He worked for Windhorse Trading for several years, and was Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. He moved to Adhisthana in 2021 to join the Dharma Team.

Saddhanandi: Trained as an artist, Saddhanandi initially was involved in the Glasgow Sangha. Prior to being chair at Adhisthana, she was at Taraloka for 20 years, and was chair there for the last 13 of those years.

Dhammarati: Ordained for almost 50 years, prior to founding the International Council, Dhammarati was Chair of the College of Public Preceptors and the London Buddhist Centre. His designs can be found on books and publicity throughout Triratna.

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