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It's Not Out There (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 425)

Most of us constantly look outside ourselves for something: happiness, love, contentment. But this something is not out there. ‘It’ is within us.

We're joined this week by Buddhist teacher and mentor, Danapriya, author of 'It’s Not Out There'. Most of us constantly look outside ourselves for something: happiness, love, contentment. But this something is not out there. ‘It’ is within us. We are full of these qualities: happiness, love, contentment and more.

In 'It’s Not Out There', Danapriya, helps us to look inside ourselves in such a way that life becomes more vivid, joyful and extraordinary. As you'd expect, this is a profoundly optimistic conversation around the connections between love and grief, love and wisdom—and how we can live to pass on what we have been given.

Get your copy of 'It's Not Out There' by Danapriya

Visit Danapriya's website

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