New Ventures
New Ventures
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Welcome to New Ventures

Welcome to the Triratna Development Team’s ‘New Ventures’ group. It’s for anyone with ideas - or plans! - for new ventures within the Triratna Buddhist Community. This can be an individual enterprise or team-based; a new Buddhist group, a for-profit Right Livelihood business, or a social enterprise: they’re all welcome, the Buddhaland needs them all! What we ask is that you see your project as being part of Triratna and that you’re actively seeking to make it a Right Livelihood situation.

What we provide here is -
- a showcase for new ideas and the facility for you to comment on them.
- news of training and networking opportunities
- a resource library, and the opportunity to contact people for personal support and mentoring
Ideas for the future include a skills register and/or time bank.

If you’re new here, welcome! Have a look around to see who’s around and what else is in the air; the next thing probably is for you to post an introduction to you and your project. Feel free to make contact with others if you wish. There’s some events coming up and people may comment on your posts so check back to see.

Triratna has a fine tradition of Right Livelihood enterprises of many shapes and sizes and hopefully this group will play a part in carrying that forwards into the future. Elsewhere on thebuddhistcentre you’ll find a list of Triratna's current Right Livelihood projects around the world.