Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

What is a Safeguarding trustee?

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 30 Sep, 2021 - 14:55

What is a Safeguarding trustee?

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 30 Sep, 2021 - 14:55

All Triratna charities should have Safeguarding officers (as recommended by the latest report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse), but charities in England and Wales are required by the Charity Commission to have a Safeguarding trustee. As with the Safeguarding officer, this needs to be an Order member.

The Safeguarding trustee is responsible for

  • keeping Safeguarding on the agenda for the trustees so they don’t just forget about it and leave it to the poor SG officer!
  • making sure
  • ...
Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Safeguarding webinars (England)

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 29 Oct, 2020 - 14:37

Safeguarding webinars (England)

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 29 Oct, 2020 - 14:37

Thirtyone:eight, UK specialists in Safeguarding for faith groups, are offering online courses in

Safeguarding Children & Young People
Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm

Safeguarding for Trustees
Safeguarding for Coordinators and Designated Leads (Safeguarding officers)
Safer Recruitment

Online DBS checks and Eligibility
Domestic Abuse
Spiritual Abuse

Bookings and information

If you take part, please let us have your feedback.
Email: safeguarding [at]

Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Webinar: Safeguarding training for trustees (England and Wales)

By ECA Safeguarding on Fri, 18 Sep, 2020 - 12:54

Webinar: Safeguarding training for trustees (England and Wales)

By ECA Safeguarding on Fri, 18 Sep, 2020 - 12:54

Trustees of charities in the UK are held legally and morally responsible for Safeguarding their charities’ beneficiaries from harm in the course of their charities’ activities.

Triratna trustees may be interested in these dates (September 2020-February 2021) for online trustee training from Thirtyone:eight, who specialise in Safeguarding for faith organisations. This training will refer to the law and Charity Commission regulations in England and Wales.

Webinar: Safeguarding for Trustees

The Safeguarding team will be happy to have feedback from anyone attending these webinars.


Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Trustees for Tara Sanctuary and Natural Burial Ground

By Nandavajra on Mon, 20 Aug, 2018 - 10:17

Trustees for Tara Sanctuary and Natural Burial Ground

By Nandavajra on Mon, 20 Aug, 2018 - 10:17

Trustees for Tara Sanctuary and Natural Burial Ground

We are seeking two new Trustees for this Triratna Charity.  (Charity Trustees are volunteers, ie it’s not a paid role).

The Charity will be setting up a new right livelihood, creating a beautiful ecological burial ground and retreat site:  a place to honour death and the preciousness of life. We are still in the initial phase of looking for suitable land near Bristol, UK.  See below for our Mission Statement. See also our website ...

Triratna News
Triratna News

New phase for Adhisthana

By Munisha on Fri, 29 Aug, 2014 - 18:35

New phase for Adhisthana

By Munisha on Fri, 29 Aug, 2014 - 18:35Vidyatara reports from Adhisthana.

Adhisthana - Triratna’s spiritual home - is about to enter an exciting new phase. Since the doors opened in August 2013, we have hosted more than 50 retreats, meetings and courses for over 1000 members of the Order and Community, from as far away as Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, the USA and Canada.

Adhisthana is not just a building project! With building work on the Sangharakshita Library and Exhibition Centre moving towards completion,...