Tag: Sangharakshita@90

Triratna News
Triratna News

Saddhanandi's Adhisthana Newsletter

By Munisha on Thu, 26 Nov, 2015 - 23:18

Saddhanandi's Adhisthana Newsletter

By Munisha on Thu, 26 Nov, 2015 - 23:18

Saddhanandi became Chair of Adhisthana earlier this year after 14 years as Chair of Taraloka, Triratna’s retreat centre for women.

In her first Adhisthana Newsletter, earlier this month, she wrote: “This is the first time I’m writing to you after taking on the position of Chair at Adhisthana from Vajragupta. He is now touring various centres doing what he loves - teaching the Dharma. 

I’m at my desk listening to the sounds of a very rowdy game of volleyball...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita’s Diary

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Sep, 2015 - 12:47

Sangharakshita’s Diary

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Sep, 2015 - 12:47

Sthanashraddha is Sangharakshita’s new secretary. He writes:

“A few days into September and it’s clear that we have passed the midpoint of the year. Though the days are often gloriously sunny here at Adhisthana, the mornings and evenings are colder now with the one or two overcast days being noticeably chilly, and the wasps have become sluggish and irritable in their hunt for food.

Since the end of July Bhante has been continuing to enjoy regular nights of sleep and rest, with nights of poor sleep becoming more...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Thank you: a message from Sangharakshita

By Munisha on Fri, 18 Sep, 2015 - 09:17

Thank you: a message from Sangharakshita

By Munisha on Fri, 18 Sep, 2015 - 09:17

Bhante writes:
“I would like to express my thanks to the one thousand and more donors who contributed to my 90th birthday gift of £135,000 [€184,300/ US$210,300/ INR12,981,000].

This gift will go towards the publication of my Complete Works, as well as towards the translation of some of those works into other languages.

Both projects are very dear to my heart, and it gives me great satisfaction to think that, thanks to the...


Sangharakshita's 90th Birthday Celebrations

By akasajoti on Fri, 4 Sep, 2015 - 14:29

Sangharakshita's 90th Birthday Celebrations

By akasajoti on Fri, 4 Sep, 2015 - 14:29

The recent Order weekend in celebration of Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday was a great success - thank you all who came and participated and helped to create such a wonderful gathering. It has had a deeply positive effect on Adhisthana and on all of us here, and is an example of the magic of gathering together in large numbers as a spiritual community. We’re already looking forward to hosting many more large gatherings into the future! You can see posts, talks...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Bhante visits his exhibition; now you can too - online

By Munisha on Thu, 27 Aug, 2015 - 16:29

Bhante visits his exhibition; now you can too - online

By Munisha on Thu, 27 Aug, 2015 - 16:29

Yesterday, on his 90th birthday, Sangarakshita visited the Sangharakshita Library’s first exhibition, at Adhisthana. ‘Nine Decades: A Life in Objects’ tells the story of his life though a series of objects and audio interviews. He was shown around by Danasamudra, the librarian, and Saddhanandi, who conducted the interviews and is Adhisthana’s Chair.

A beautiful virtual version of the exhibition and audio is now available worldwide here on The Buddhist Centre Online.

See Suvajra’s pictures of Bhante’s visit, left.

View the online version of the exhibition.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Happy 90th birthday, Bhante!

By Munisha on Tue, 25 Aug, 2015 - 23:18

Happy 90th birthday, Bhante!

By Munisha on Tue, 25 Aug, 2015 - 23:18

On this day, 26th August, in 1925, Dennis Philip Edward Lingwood was born in Tooting, south London, UK. His life has changed those of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

We know him as Urgyen Sangharakshita, or, simply, “Bhante”: our teacher, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community; a leading figure in ‘western’ Buddhism and in Dr Ambedkar’s ’Peaceful revolution’ among some of India’s most disadvantaged people. The Order he founded now numbers over 1,900.

Birthday celebrations are taking place in Triratna...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Order gathers to celebrate Bhante's 90th birthday

By Munisha on Thu, 20 Aug, 2015 - 17:48

The Order gathers to celebrate Bhante's 90th birthday

By Munisha on Thu, 20 Aug, 2015 - 17:48

Around 400 members of the Order, mostly from Europe, are gathering at Adhisthana this evening, for a long weekend steeped in the arts, to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday. Our theme is “Conscious surrender to the beautiful”.

+Follow us over the next three days over on Features.

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Day 4 at the ECA

By Munisha on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 22:19

Day 4 at the ECA

By Munisha on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 22:19

The sun is shining on Adhisthana and we’ve been considering the future of fundraising in Triratna: creating a stronger culture of giving worldwide, so that all the core institutions, services and people on which Triratna’s life depends worldwide (for example, the College of Public Preceptors - responsible for ordinations - Clear Vision, Free Buddhist Audio and Windhorse Publications) are better resourced.

Afternoons are a mix of free time, special interest groups and business. Amongst many other things this afternoon saw a gathering of the...


'Secret Wings' by Sangharakshita

By Abhayamaitri on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 20:58

'Secret Wings' by Sangharakshita

By Abhayamaitri on Sun, 16 Aug, 2015 - 20:58

We cry that we are weak although
We will not stir our secret wings;
The world is dark – because we are
Blind to the starriness of things.

We pluck our rainbow-tinted plumes
And with their heaven-born beauty try
To fledge nocturnal shafts, and then
Complain ‘Alas! we cannot fly!’

We mutter ‘All is dust’ or else
With mocking words accost the wise:
‘Show us the Sun which...


Amalavajra reports from the fundraiser's desk

By Munisha on Wed, 29 Jul, 2015 - 13:47

Amalavajra reports from the fundraiser's desk

By Munisha on Wed, 29 Jul, 2015 - 13:47

Written a few thousand pounds back (when we were 50% there), this is a great Triratna News report on the fundraising for Bhante’s birthday present. Amalavajra, Triratna’s fundraiser in Europe, explains his enthusiasm.


PS Today we’re 58% there! We still need another £41,000 and we’ve got just 28 days to raise it. That’s £1464 per day.

But that shouldn’t be hard. Yesterday we raised more than that!

Make your donation here.