Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Gender Diversity In Triratna - The Video Interview!

By Candradasa on Sun, 22 May, 2016 - 23:55

Gender Diversity In Triratna - The Video Interview!

By Candradasa on Sun, 22 May, 2016 - 23:55

The film of Parami’s interview with Kamalanandi and Padmavyuha about gender diversity in Triratna on the occasion of the first residential retreat for gender diverse people in our community. A timely and topical discussion about the issues raised in society generally by changes in awareness around gender – and in a particular Buddhist culture as it expands its sense of itself to be more inclusive and more forward thinking about a crucial area of personal identity. The implications for ideas of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Gender Diverse Sangha As Buddhists

By Centre Team on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 17:02

Parami interviews Kamalanandi and Padmavyuha about gender diversity in Triratna on the occasion of the first residential retreat for gender diverse people in our community. A timely and topical discussion about the issues raised in society generally by changes in awareness around gender – and in a particular Buddhist culture as it expands its sense of itself to be more inclusive and more forward thinking about a crucial area of personal identity. The implications for ideas of practice as a...

Triratna Thames Valley and Reading
Triratna Thames Valley and Reading

Second Soup and Sangha

By stuarts on Fri, 22 Apr, 2016 - 22:17

Second Soup and Sangha

By stuarts on Fri, 22 Apr, 2016 - 22:17

Please come and join me in my home in Woodley for what is becoming a regular event

We will get together to enjoy Soup and, nourished in our body, we will seek spiritual noyurishment through meditation practice in the company of friends - and then we eat cake!

I will provide delicious homecooked vegetarian soup and rolls and we will have an afternoon of meditation practice in the peaceful garden room in my home.
I will need to know numbers in advance...

Triratna Thames Valley and Reading
Triratna Thames Valley and Reading

Soup and Sangha - Sunday 3rd April

By stuarts on Sun, 6 Mar, 2016 - 18:04

Soup and Sangha - Sunday 3rd April

By stuarts on Sun, 6 Mar, 2016 - 18:04

Please come and join me in my home in Woodley for what I hope will become a regular event - Soup and Sangha.

Soup you know about, Sangha means those who get together to support each other in their meditation practice. An act of friendship and loving kindness.

I will provide delicious homecooked vegetarian soup and rolls and we will have an afternoon of meditation practice in the peaceful garden room in my home.
I will need to know numbers...

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Retreating in Mexico

By Amaradaya on Thu, 3 Mar, 2016 - 17:10

Retreating in Mexico

By Amaradaya on Thu, 3 Mar, 2016 - 17:10

Mexico City is home to not one but two succesful Buddhist Centres! Watch how they spent their time over Christmas and New Year with 5 back to back retreats!

Triratna Thames Valley and Reading
Triratna Thames Valley and Reading

Exciting News! Nandavajra to give a dharma teaching at Reading

By stuarts on Sun, 7 Feb, 2016 - 21:10

Exciting News! Nandavajra to give a dharma teaching at Reading

By stuarts on Sun, 7 Feb, 2016 - 21:10

Exciting news!

On Tuesday 23rd February, Nandavajra, an ordained member of the Triratna Buddhist order, is visiting Reading. He has kindly offered to join our regular Tuesday night meeting to give us his views on Mindfulness meditation practice.

It would be wonderful if you could join us to meet Nandavajra. Cake will be available!

We meet at the usual time of 7.30pm at the Quakers’ Friends Meeting House, 2 Church Street, Reading, RG1...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Ratnaguna - Three Talks On The Pureland

By Centre Team on Wed, 13 Jan, 2016 - 00:09

Ratnaguna - Three Talks On The Pureland

By Centre Team on Wed, 13 Jan, 2016 - 00:09

A new three-part series from Ratnaguna introduces the Pureland texts as a practice in themselves, and discusses their relationship to Sangharakshita’s core teachings. 

In the first talk Ratnaguna takes us on an excellent exploration of imagination itself, essential for understanding the sutras on their own terms. The second talk discusses how the texts hint at what Sangharakshita calls the supra-personal force of the Bodhichitta. The third talk is on the importance of sangha in the sutras and its relevance...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

ECA Winter 2016 - Podcast No.4: Ratnaghosha On 'One Sangha'

By mokshini on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 17:45

An exciting idea from the Triratna European Chairs meeting at Adhisthana. Mokshini talking to Ratnaghosha, the Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, on the theme of how best to celebrate our world-wide Triratna sangha. This would be both to promote unity across our sanghas as well help give those attending local Centres a sense of the internationality of our Movement which might not be obvious for those coming along. 

In fact, over the course of the next 18 months there...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Vitality and Meaning: Practicing Dharma in the Modern World

By viriyalila on Mon, 28 Dec, 2015 - 22:07

Vitality and Meaning: Practicing Dharma in the Modern World

By viriyalila on Mon, 28 Dec, 2015 - 22:07

Vitality and Meaning:  Practicing Dharma in the Modern World

Monday Nights at the Portsmouth Buddhist Center

In this series of engaging discussions, we’ll explore the practice of Buddhist ethics, meditation, and wisdom in relation to various aspects of modern life. How do our modern conditions compare with those at the time of the Buddha, 2500 years ago? How do the principles of Buddhist teaching apply to the particulars of modern life? How can we transform our lives to fully embody our highest ideals?

Feel free to...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Friends' Sunday Gatherings

By viriyalila on Mon, 28 Dec, 2015 - 22:04

Friends' Sunday Gatherings

By viriyalila on Mon, 28 Dec, 2015 - 22:04

All are welcome to our weekly Sunday gathering! Meditation starts at 10 am - simple instruction is given for beginners. After the sit, there is a tea break followed by an activity as listed below. Feel free to just come for the meditation, or the whole program. Offered by donation.

Jan 3: an introduction to the tiratna vandana (an ancient Buddhist chant)
Jan 10th: sutra discussion
Jan 17th: meditation discussion
Jan 24th: social tea and...
