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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Illumined Imagination

By Rijupatha on Wed, 26 Mar, 2014 - 12:38
In our FBA Dharmabyte today, “Illumined Imagination,” Maitreyabandhu shares anecdotes from his experience to draw out spiritual principles coming through ordinary experience. The full talk is about Avalokitesvara and was given on the LBC’s Winter Retreat at Sibford, Oxfordshire in December 2010.

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Dharmabyte: Blending Reason and Reverence

By Rijupatha on Sat, 22 Mar, 2014 - 20:20
Our FBA Dharmabyte today, “Blending Reason and Reverence” is an excerpt from “The Diamond Sutra – Taking Mind to its Limits: Talk 1” by Padmavajra. Blending the intellectual and the devotional, here Padmavajra describes the setting of the sutra exploring simplicity and awareness.

This is an excerpt from the first in a sparkling, wide-ranging, thoroughly comprehensive ten talk series by Padmavajra on ‘The Diamond Sutra’. We...
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European Puja!

By Candradasa on Mon, 10 Feb, 2014 - 14:47
Some weeks ago, an assembly was held for the Chairs of many Triratna Buddhist Centres in Europe. You may have heard some very lovely harmonized chanting from the event as it was happening (see previous podcasts: Avalokitesvara mantra, Padmasambhava mantra). Here’s a special ‘puja’ (a Buddhist ritual to evoke the spirit of the Buddha’s teaching and help get our emotions behind the practice of them) that was performed featuring some...
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Women's Order Weekend No.6 - Last Voices, New Vision

By Candradasa on Sun, 8 Dec, 2013 - 17:22
The final morning on the women’s order gathering and some more great interviews from Parami.

We hear from Jinamati and Padmabodhini, two brand new Order members who are experiencing such a large coming together for the first time. We also hear from the assistant cook, Suvannamani, part of the team at Adhisthana dealing with one of the biggest community events that’s happened there.

As an extra treat we also get to hear from Ratnasuri, who at...
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Women's Order Weekend Boo No.5 - Songs, Mantras & Things

By Candradasa on Sun, 8 Dec, 2013 - 03:50
Mantras and other things! Starting with an excerpt from Vandanajyoti and Vishvantara’s song to mark the event, we get some lovely songs, mantras, chanting and and readings from the Saturday evening puja at the women’s UK & Ireland Order gathering at Adhisthana. The joy of Dharma practice in large numbers!

Catch up with all the episodes here

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Utpalavajri in Germany at the Order Forum

By Candradasa on Sat, 7 Dec, 2013 - 18:09
Around the world, Order members from the Triratna Buddhist Order meet regularly in large (and small!) numbers to share their lives and practice, to support each other and deepen their own understanding of the Buddha’s teaching and of our own community.

Running parallel to the women’s UK & Ireland Order gathering at Adhisthana is a general Central European Order forum that’s taking place at Vimaladhatu Retreat Centre in Germany. Here’s Utpalavajri, walking in the deep...
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Women's Order Weekend No.4 - Memories of Bhante Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Sat, 7 Dec, 2013 - 16:52
Parami on day two of the women’s national Order gathering just after talks by Dhammadinna, Sanghadevi and Maitreyi, three of the most experienced members of the Order, remembering their relationship with Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community and Order.

Karunamati recalls her time living near Chatral Rimpoche (one of Sangharakshita’s teachers) and appreciates Sangharakshita’s kindness and humour. Candraprabha, Karunagita, Kamalanandi, Kuladharini, Arayajaya, and Maitrisara discuss their experience of the great gathering itself and of hearing...
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Women's Order Weekend Boo No.3 - Mantras

By Candradasa on Fri, 6 Dec, 2013 - 22:09
Parami again with a recording of the gorgeous harmonized mantras from the first evening of the women’s national Order weekend at Adhisthana. Close your eyes and let the grace waves come! Also features the Threefold Puja and the White Tara mantra.

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Women's Order Weekend Boo No.2!

By Candradasa on Fri, 6 Dec, 2013 - 21:31
A second report from Parami from the great gathering at Adhisthana at the Triratna Buddhist Order’s national Order weekend for women in the UK & Ireland. Interviews with Saddhanandi, Sanghamani, Satyavani, Samachitta, and Vajratara, all thrilled to be there despite the dreadful weather! Surrounded by friends old and new…

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Women's Order Weekend Boo No.1!

By Candradasa on Fri, 6 Dec, 2013 - 16:50
A great wee report from Parami from the weather-wracked Order gathering for women in the UK & Ireland currently happening at Adhisthana Retreat Centre in Herefordshire. A lovely glimpse into what happens when so many people get together to celebrate their faith together… Listen out for more and some interviews with attendees through the weekend.

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