Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Women's Order/Mitra day

By jvalamalini on Sun, 3 Jun, 2012 - 21:55

Women's Order/Mitra day

By jvalamalini on Sun, 3 Jun, 2012 - 21:55Sunday 24 June
This being, that becomes, from the arising of this, that arises.

Come and explore this core teaching of the Buddha in company with friends in the good life. A day for women mitras and dharmacharinis in the Bristol, Cardiff and West Wales sanghas - with Satyalila, Khemajoti and friends.9.30 for prompt 10 start - finish around 4.30pm

Bring veggie lunch to share

Suggested donation £15. Please book so we know numbers

Triratna News
Triratna News

Virananda: Dharmachari 1978-2012

By lokabandhu on Tue, 24 Apr, 2012 - 12:03

Virananda: Dharmachari 1978-2012

By lokabandhu on Tue, 24 Apr, 2012 - 12:03

Sudaka writes from Barcelona with news of the sad death of Dharmachari Virananda, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order for over 30 years. He says - “Virananda died at 18.15 Thursday 19 April 2012 here in Barcelona in the hospital del Mar, in the company of Rijumati, Claire (his sister), Nagesvara, one of his chess-playing friends, and Alber, a local friend.

His funeral will be at midday on Wednesday 25th in Barcelona. There will be a ceremony at...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Dhammachari Vajrasambhava, 1970-2012

By lokabandhu on Thu, 12 Apr, 2012 - 15:07

Dhammachari Vajrasambhava, 1970-2012

By lokabandhu on Thu, 12 Apr, 2012 - 15:07Kumarjeev writes from India with news of the death of Order Member Vajrasambhava, saying “Dear brothers and sisters, Vajrasambhava passed away on April 9 this month. Please send your metta for him and his family. He has a daughter Visakha, 19, studying Ayurvedic medicine, and son Suvajra, 15, studying in 11th standard. His children and wife Vidya are the family left behind him.

Vajrasambhava was ordained in 2008 and lived near Mumbai in Maharastra. With metta, Kumarjeev”

Triratna News
Triratna News

Bodhishri: 1936:2011

By lokabandhu on Sun, 23 Oct, 2011 - 18:49

Bodhishri: 1936:2011

By lokabandhu on Sun, 23 Oct, 2011 - 18:49Jnanagita writes from Finland with the sad news of Dharmacharini Bodhishri. Ordained in 1973, Bodhishri was one of the longest-ordained members of the Order. Jnanagita says -

“I am sad to tell you that Bodhishri died on Friday 21st October, some minutes after midnight in the Terhokoti Hospice in Helsinki. She had a long and painful period of illness behind her. Just one day earlier we were eight Finnish Order members there, doing a sevenfold puja for her. We...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Six men ordained at Padmaloka

By lokabandhu on Fri, 21 Oct, 2011 - 06:23

Six men ordained at Padmaloka

By lokabandhu on Fri, 21 Oct, 2011 - 06:23The following men had their Public Ordinations on Thursday, 13th October:

Stephen Hudson becomes CHITRAMATI, ‘He who has an excellent or distinguished mind’
(Private Preceptor Jinapalita)

Julian Drury becomes NANDAJAYA, ‘Joyful Victory’
(Private Preceptor Saddhaloka)

Tony Keogh becomes MAITRIKAYA, (long second A) ‘Body or Person of Loving Kindness’
(Private Preceptor Dharmadipa)

Vincent Stokes becomes SATYAVASIN (long third A), ‘He who abides, dwells in the truth’
(Private Preceptor Paramabandhu)

Ian Carter becomes...
Triratna News
Triratna News

A Death in the Order - Acalamitra

By lokabandhu on Wed, 10 Aug, 2011 - 06:24

A Death in the Order - Acalamitra

By lokabandhu on Wed, 10 Aug, 2011 - 06:24Karmavajra writes from Triratna’s Indian Order Office to say -

“Dear Order Members and others,

“Jaibhim! I feel sad to inform you that Dhammachari Achalamitra, Mumbai, passed away on morning of 8th August around 1.00 a.m. He was suffering from Old Age. He was 72 years Old. He was ordained in May 2006 by Dhammachari Adityabodhi (private preceptor). His funeral was done today from his residence in the presence of Dhammachari Bodhisen and Mumbai’s Order.

“Yours in...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Manjusvara - Three Poems And A Funeral

By lokabandhu on Wed, 3 Aug, 2011 - 06:34

Manjusvara - Three Poems And A Funeral

By lokabandhu on Wed, 3 Aug, 2011 - 06:34July 6th saw Triratna’s Bristol sangha celebrating the funeral of Manjusvara, who died leading a retreat at Dhanakosa. Kamalamani has sent us an account of the day, and we’ve discovered three poems by Manjusvara in the latest edition of the Bristol Buddhist Centre’s on-line newsletter, which we reproduce below. Bristol’s Newsletter contains a moving ‘Rejoicing In Manjusvara’ by Ananda, his friend and colleague for many many years, during which he describes his friend as “the most generous person I ever...
