College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Chintamani

By akasajoti on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 18:49

Ordinations at Chintamani

By akasajoti on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 18:49

I am delighted to announce that on January 11 at Chintamani Retreat Centre, Mexico, we welcomed two new Dharmacharis into the Order from the Mexico City sangha.

Ex-Juan Antonio Diaz becomes: Subhananda which means He who has the joy of beauty or él que tiene la alegría de la belleza.
Private preceptor: Samamati
Public Preceptor: Virasiddhi

Ex-Pablo Sierra becomes: Satyabodhi which means Awakening to Truth or El despertar a la verdad.
Private preceptor: Virasiddhi
Public Preceptor:...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Part Time Vacancy - Team Co-ordinator: International Order Office

By vimalamati on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 16:03

Part Time Vacancy - Team Co-ordinator: International Order Office

By vimalamati on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 16:03

Connecting and deepening the Order is what the Order Office is all about. We are a small team working with the International Order convenors to make that happen. We love the Order and want to help it thrive through our friendships, collaborations and gatherings.

The Team Co-ordinator oversees the team making sure that Shabda, the Order database and the Order information service run well and serve the needs of the Order. It also involves liaising with Dharmachakra to support our information systems and the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Lotus Blooming: Creating the Story of Triratna in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Apr, 2019 - 15:34

The Lotus Blooming: Creating the Story of Triratna in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Apr, 2019 - 15:34

Here’s an interview with Dharmakirti, based in Valencia, about the recent Order Day celebration in Spain. He gives us a bit of the history of Triratna in Spain, as well as the challenges and hopes for the future.

When did Triratna Spain first come into being?
Here’s a timeline of Spanish activities over the years:

1986: Guhyaloka land was bought by Subhuti, and the same year Bhante gave his first talk in Valencia.

1988: Moksananda...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Fifty Years, Fifty Voices Website now live!

By Satyalila on Sun, 26 Aug, 2018 - 19:18

Fifty Years, Fifty Voices Website now live!

By Satyalila on Sun, 26 Aug, 2018 - 19:18

Just a quick note to announce that the Fifty Years, Fifty Voices website is now live!  It was always our intention to present the voices through a website, not just this, more ’linear’, blog.  Rijupatha has made a great start with the website, presenting all the voices currently available (20/50 so far) in an ‘at a glance’ way, side by side, but also sort-able by the topic areas each person touches on.  It’s a beginning of the vision for the website and...


The Luminous: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 23:46

The Luminous: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 23:46

There has been so much beauty today that I can’t do justice to, and wish I could. Such a high quality of communication between us all in our last discussion group, sensitive, alive and mirror-like to one another; sitting in our closing circle this evening, hearing each person rejoice and share what they had enjoyed and benefitted from during the retreat; the final Bodhicitta mantra in perfect harmony. A lotus-bed of many beings growing towards the light in our own...


The Essence of Wisdom and Compassion: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 23:16

The Essence of Wisdom and Compassion: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 23:16

The theme of today has been the connection between metta and wisdom - the realisation of metta. Saddhaloka gave a presentation this morning where he spoke of the dual aspects of the path – samata and vipassana, wisdom and compassion, merit and insight – and described how they are really a part of a single process. There is an aspect of seeing into the truth of things, where ultimately there is no knower, or known, or act of knowing, just...


Sustained by Spiritual Friends: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 22:35

Sustained by Spiritual Friends: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 22:35

Today, Parami presented Hri and Apatrapya, the two Lokapalas, unfolding a single line in the Karaniya Metta Sutta: “One should not pursue the slightest thing for which other wise men might censure them.” Both Hri and Apatrapya express a positive sense of remorse and regret, one in relation to our own inner ethical sensitivity, the other in relation to the ethical sensitivity we aspire to embodied by our spiritual friends and teachers. They are the guardians of our Dharma Life,...


Love of the Good: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Sun, 11 Jun, 2017 - 23:12

Love of the Good: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Sun, 11 Jun, 2017 - 23:12

“A common misapprehension is to think of Insight and egolessness in abstract, even metaphysical, terms rather than as comprising concretely-lived attitudes and behaviour. But realising the truth of egolessness simply means being truly and deeply unselfish. To contemplate the principle of egolessness as some special principle that is somehow separate from our actual behaviour will leave it as far away as ever. If we find it difficult to realise the ultimate emptiness of the self - the solution is to...
