Western Buddhist Review
Western Buddhist Review

Harold Bloom: the Embattled Canon and the Experiential Critic

By Vishvapani on Sat, 19 Oct, 2019 - 20:26

Harold Bloom: the Embattled Canon and the Experiential Critic

By Vishvapani on Sat, 19 Oct, 2019 - 20:26

This is a guest post by Vishvapani, re-published here from an early issue of The Western Buddhist Review


The Western Canon
By Harold Bloom
Macmillan, London 1994, pp. 567

1. Introduction: contemporary criticism’s questions and answers
What should be our central question in approaching literature? The celebrated American literary critic Harold Bloom proposes one: What is literature for? This question may sound obvious, but it is not one with...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Bidding Farewell to Harold Bloom

By Vishvapani on Sat, 19 Oct, 2019 - 19:09

Bidding Farewell to Harold Bloom

By Vishvapani on Sat, 19 Oct, 2019 - 19:09

Here is a new appreciation of the critic and writer Harold Bloom, who died on October 14th 2019.

Vishvapani is a writer, broadcaster and Buddhist mindfulness teacher. His writing can be found at Wise Attention.


The sadness I feel at learning of the death, aged 89, of the great literary critic Harold Bloom, is softened only by my incredulity that he was living at all; that is, living in a modern world to which he seemed so alien....

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Culture's Peak: An Interview with Harold Bloom by Vishvapani

By Vishvapani on Wed, 16 Oct, 2019 - 23:23

Culture's Peak: An Interview with Harold Bloom by Vishvapani

By Vishvapani on Wed, 16 Oct, 2019 - 23:23

This interview with the literary critic Harold Bloom was first published in Dharma Life, 5, Summer 1997. Harold Bloom died on October 14th 2019.

Vishvapani is a writer, broadcaster and Buddhist mindfulness teacher. His writing can be found at Wise Attention.


When I first encountered Harold Bloom’s work, I discovered a remarkable mixture. Bloom is Professor of Humanities at Yale University, and is widely considered America’s leading literary critic. His many books combine an enormous breadth of reading...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Writers Convention 2015 - Day 4: A Full Day, Fully Lived

By Satyalila on Tue, 14 Jul, 2015 - 19:35

Writers Convention 2015 - Day 4: A Full Day, Fully Lived

By Satyalila on Tue, 14 Jul, 2015 - 19:35

After the lovely morning shrine room poem by Norman MacCaig, beautifully read by Steph, a full day’s immersion in poetry to close out our first convention of Triratna writers…

We’ll bring you soon Dhivan’s brilliant talk on Ted Hughes, and hopefully too the poetry reading from Vishvantara, Ananda & Manjusura. We also had time to install some “poem-flags” in the Sangharakshita Library - detailed pictures to follow! 

Find out more on Buddhism, Triratna and the Arts!


Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 3: In The Listening Chair...

By Satyalila on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 21:49

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 3: In The Listening Chair...

By Satyalila on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 21:49

Our morning meditation poem on Thursday was Summer Farm by Norman MacCaig. I’ll definitely be buying this volume of Selected Poems. It’s wonderful!

In our sessions we’ve re-instituted ‘the listening chair’ we used to have for Manjusvara - and I snapped some occupants (interesting body language!) We were exploring themes from Ananda’s talk the other night about William Stafford, especially around the relationship with the Muse and receptivity.

There was a spirited discussion about the pros and cons...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 2: Phillip Larkin

By Satyalila on Thu, 9 Jul, 2015 - 15:19

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 2: Phillip Larkin

By Satyalila on Thu, 9 Jul, 2015 - 15:19

Well, the week is speeding up! Yesterday (Tuesday) was our ‘William Stafford’ Day.  He’s the American poet who so inspired our dear friend, the late Manjusvara.  Last night Ananda’s gave us a great talk - the fruit of many years of acquaintance with Stafford, and much study (more recently).  We video’d (and audio-recorded) the talk so you can catch it.  There’s also a really great half-hour programme which the BBC did on William Stafford in 2013 to...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 1

By Satyalila on Tue, 7 Jul, 2015 - 21:20

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 1

By Satyalila on Tue, 7 Jul, 2015 - 21:20

So after our check in last night we did a dedication ceremony in the shrineroom and had this great poem of Ananda’s - ‘Be here now’.  It’s a wonky/wabi-sabi scan done with my iPhone (like this whole reporting business, in fact!).  I rather like it. 

Of course we had to have timed writing to start with… (Wolf At The Door “Recipe” to follow!).

Pictures: Dhruvasimha (reading out), Vishvantara and vidyakaya to his left, Abhaya, Akasapriya, Padmabodhini and Varasahaya’s knee to...