College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Introducing the November 2015 College Meeting

By Saccanama on Wed, 11 Nov, 2015 - 14:27

Saddhaloka, in conversation with Saccanama, introduces the November meeting of the Public Preceptors’ College; a gathering of public preceptors from all around the world - India, America, New Zealand, Spain and the UK. He talks about some of the themes and issues they will be exploring together this week, including Sadhana, the future of the College, and the work of the Ordination team in India.

Triratna News
Triratna News

International Order retreat, Bodhgaya

By Munisha on Tue, 10 Nov, 2015 - 12:33

International Order retreat, Bodhgaya

By Munisha on Tue, 10 Nov, 2015 - 12:33

In February 2016, all members of the Order are invited to an international Order retreat on Triratna’s Three Jewels Centre at Bodhgaya, India.
Book now!

Get a flavour of what’s in store with this 8-minute Clear Vision NewsByte report from the last such retreat, in February 2015.

Read more about the 2016 retreat and how to book.
+ Follow Clear Vision on The Buddhist Centre Online

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Bodh Gaya International Order Retreat- NewsByte Nov 2015

By sanghadhara on Tue, 10 Nov, 2015 - 11:52

Bodh Gaya International Order Retreat- NewsByte Nov 2015

By sanghadhara on Tue, 10 Nov, 2015 - 11:52

In February 2015 an International Order Retreat took place at the Three Jewels Centre at Bodh Gaya. Subhuti led the retreat with a team from India and the West.

All order members are invited to attend the next one in February 2016.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Abhayagita From Mexico On Pilgrimage And Native Ground For The Dharma

By Candradasa on Tue, 27 Oct, 2015 - 05:30

As part of our Buddhist Voices series, Abhayagita - whose name means ‘Song of Fearlessness’ - tells us (in English y en español) about her project to take women on pilgrimage from Mexico to India in the footsteps of the Buddha. En route we hear about her home country’s engagement with the Dharma, and end up in a fascinating space around Aztec and Mayan culture as fertile native soil for the Dharma to take root…

Con la traducción española.

Abhayagita -...

Triratna News
Triratna News

18 ordinations in India

By Munisha on Wed, 21 Oct, 2015 - 21:06

18 ordinations in India

By Munisha on Wed, 21 Oct, 2015 - 21:06

We are delighted to announce the ordinations of the following men at Hsuan Tsang Retreat centre, Bordharan, India, on 11th October 2015.

Public preceptor Amoghasiddhi
Private preceptor Amrutdeep

Y. K Jagatap from Thane becomes Pradnyaveer, which means “Wise hero”.
Private preceptor Nagaketu
Dhanaraj Dabrase from Katol becomes Karunaratna, which means “The jewel of compassion”.
Dattuji Gadage from Varud becomes Bodhinandan, which means “One who rejoices in Enlightenment”. 
Prakash Adhav from Varud becomes Tejomuni, which means “An illustrious sage”.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Jnanasuri's eye-witness account of Dr Ambedkar's conversion

By Munisha on Wed, 14 Oct, 2015 - 11:21

Jnanasuri's eye-witness account of Dr Ambedkar's conversion

By Munisha on Wed, 14 Oct, 2015 - 11:21

On this day, 14th October 1956, Dr BR Ambedkar publicly converted to Buddhism, followed by hundreds of thousands of his followers, fellow members of India’s Scheduled Castes, escaping their oppression as what were formerly termed “Untouchable” people. Such mass conversions continue to this day.

As a little girl, Jnanasuri was there at the ceremony in Nagpur. Today she is the most senior Dhammacharini in India; one of Triratna’s two Indian female public preceptors, responsible for the training of the 850 Indian women currently...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

A story from India of what friendship can do

By vajratara on Tue, 29 Sep, 2015 - 12:14

A story from India of what friendship can do

By vajratara on Tue, 29 Sep, 2015 - 12:14

I’m thinking about the upcoming Order Retreat in Bodhgaya, and it reminded me to post some of my thoughts from my visit to India last year.

It soon became evident that the Order retreat was powered by a band of brothers, some very good friends who had taken on organising the retreat.  Watching their ease of working with each other, their laughter and joking, it reminded me of the team at Tiratanaloka and I was interested to hear their story.  

They met in...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordination in India

By Munisha on Thu, 10 Sep, 2015 - 23:30

Ordination in India

By Munisha on Thu, 10 Sep, 2015 - 23:30

We are happy to announce the ordination of Gurbej Cchahal Singh on 9th August at Bor Dharan retreat centre near Nagpur, India.

Public preceptor: Chandrasil 
Private preceptor: Subhuti

He was given the name Kushalveer (Indian spelling) - Kusalavira (western spelling) - ‘ethical or skilful hero’.

Kushalveer is the first Punjab-born Order member.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Triratna News
Triratna News

Indian mitras gather in very large numbers indeed

By Munisha on Tue, 8 Sep, 2015 - 16:44

Indian mitras gather in very large numbers indeed

By Munisha on Tue, 8 Sep, 2015 - 16:44

How many mitras do you know? If you are reading this in India, the answer is probably, A lot!

There are around 10,000 mitras in India (where they are known as dhammamitras), including a staggering 850 women who have asked for ordination. With numbers like this, the Indian Mitra Convenors have their work cut out. This year, so far, they have organised three large mitra conventions. 

Nagaketu writes: “The first took place at the Dikshabhumi in Nagpur (site of Dr Ambedkar’s...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Women's ordinations in India

By Munisha on Thu, 3 Sep, 2015 - 17:34

Women's ordinations in India

By Munisha on Thu, 3 Sep, 2015 - 17:34

We’re delighted to announce that the following women were publicly ordained on 30th August at Ven. Hsuan Tsang Retreat Centre, Bor Dharan, Maharashtra, India:

Private Preceptor Vijaya
Public Preceptor Jnanasuri 

Anita Thool (South West Nagpur) becomes Amritanandi
Asha Nakhale (North Nagpur) becomes Shwetchitta
Shila Walke (North Nagpur) becomes Shubhrachitta 
Kusum Tembhurne (Pimpri Centre Pune) becomes Amritdharini 
Yamu Dhone (Amravati) becomes Amritamaya 
Prabha Shende (Amravati) becomes Ojoratna
Chanda Gedam (Amravati) becomes Aryasri
Anusaya Bhagat (Wardha) becomes Vinayasri
