India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Inspired by Ambedkar: a western perspective

By vajratara on Fri, 18 Dec, 2015 - 17:10

The third of three talks looking at the inspiration and influence of Dr Ambedkar in the life of members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.  Kusaladevi was ordained this year and works for the Karuna Trust, helping fund social projects that work with the most disadvantaged in India. Karuna used to fund the ordination teams in India, but a few years ago felt a new charity was needed specifically for Dhamma and ordination training, furthering the peaceful Dhamma revolution and transforming the lives of...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Inspired by Ambedkar: an Indian woman's perspective

By vajratara on Fri, 18 Dec, 2015 - 16:56

The second of three talks looking at the inspiration and influence of Dr Ambedkar in the life of members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.  Jnanasuri was the first Indian woman Ordained in India.  She gives snapshots from her life as a Dhammacharini, saying how Dr Ambedkar inspires her life and work.  A very moving talk, she got a standing ovation at the end!  She is supported in her Dhamma work by the India Dhamma Trust, so do listen to her talk, it...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Inspired by Ambedkar: Sangharakshita's Perspective

By vajratara on Fri, 18 Dec, 2015 - 16:50

The first of three talks looking at the inspiration and influence of Dr Ambedkar in the life of members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.  Vajratara introduces the inspiration Dr Ambedkar had on the life and work of Sangharakshita, and also says a little about why she chose to work for the India Dhamma Trust.

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Focus on India - Introducing Adityabodhi

By Saccanama on Mon, 14 Dec, 2015 - 15:12

Focus on India - Introducing Adityabodhi

By Saccanama on Mon, 14 Dec, 2015 - 15:12

In a series of introductions to the different members of the Indian Kula of public preceptors, Adityabodhi, from Pimpri near Pune, introduces himself.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Caves

By Rijupatha on Thu, 10 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s writings and poems over the next few weeks. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is an excerpt from “The Caves of Bhaja”, a moving poem in memory of Dharmachari Anagarika Maha Dhammavira, written, introduced and read by Sangharakshita. Full talk available here: “The Caves of Bhaja”.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Focus on India - Introducing Yashosagar

By Saccanama on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 14:08

Focus on India - Introducing Yashosagar

By Saccanama on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 14:08

In one of a number of videos taken on the recent College meeting (November 2015), Yashosagar, the youngest member of the Preceptors’ College and one of the members of the Indian kula of public preceptors, introduces himself.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Karuna is 35!

By Munisha on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 23:09

Karuna is 35!

By Munisha on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 23:09

Karuna Trust helps some of India’s poorest people lift themselves out of poverty, including low-caste (Dalit and Tribal) people. This Triratna institution began in very grassroots fashion but was legally constituted as a charity in April 1980 - which means Karuna is officially 35 years old this year!

Karuna is largely funded by Triratna teams conducting door-to-door fundraising campaigns, mostly in Britain. In this latest NewsByte video from Clear Vision, we see another of their teams at work on a telephone fundraising campaign (5.5 minutes).

Celebrate Karuna...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Women's Ordinations in India August 2015 - a little late!

By Saccanama on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 15:03

Women's Ordinations in India August 2015 - a little late!

By Saccanama on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 15:03

Better late than never, we’re happy to announce that at the public ordination held on 30 August, 2015 at Ven. Hsuen Tsang Retreat Centre, Bor-Dharan Maharashtra, India, the following women were ordained:

Private Preceptor Vijaya:

Anita Thool (South West Nagpur) becomes Amritanandi
Asha Nakhale (North Nagpur) becomes Shwetchitta
Shila Walke (North Nagpur) becomes Shubhrachitta ...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

India Dhamma Trust on tour with the Indian Public Preceptors

By vajratara on Mon, 23 Nov, 2015 - 12:39

Carunalaka from the India Dhamma Trust is on tour with Jnanasuri, Amoghasiddhi and Yashosagar.  First stop Sheffield, where Jnanasuri compared tattoos with Steph from the women’s community!  The India Dhamma Trust raises money to support the Indian Ordination teams for their vital work all over India - bringing the dignity, strength and love of the Dhamma to transform people’s lives in communities blighted by discrimination and poverty.
