People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

Visit of Sheffield Buddhist Center's pilgrims

By tejadhamma on Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 - 17:08

Visit of Sheffield Buddhist Center's pilgrims

By tejadhamma on Fri, 6 Feb, 2015 - 17:08
On Sunday 1st Feb. 2015; Sheffield Buddhist Center’s pilgrims visited to People’s Karate Do (PKD) run by PTP at Labour Welfare Office Hall, Indora, Nagpur. Dhammachari Amoghavansha and Dhammacharini Satyajyoti guided to the Karate boys & girls on this ocassion. Tejadhamma introduced with PTP’s...
Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North)
Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North)

Khemadhamma's Visit and Talk

By tejadhamma on Fri, 21 Nov, 2014 - 13:46

Khemadhamma's Visit and Talk

By tejadhamma on Fri, 21 Nov, 2014 - 13:46
TBM Mahendranagar, Nagpur is glad to inform you all that Dhammachari Khemadhamma from Australia visited to the center and given Dhamma Talk in the regular class on Thursday 20th Nov. which was very impresive and inspiring to the participants. About 225-250 male and female benefited on this ocassion. Dr. David who came with Khemadhamma also presented his experiences and dhammamitra’s...
Bahujan Hitay, Nagpur
Bahujan Hitay, Nagpur

New Programme Manager's Visit from UK

By tejadhamma on Sun, 20 Jul, 2014 - 16:11

New Programme Manager's Visit from UK

By tejadhamma on Sun, 20 Jul, 2014 - 16:11
Bahujan Hitay Nagpur’s beneficiaries and staff enjoyed the visit of new programme manager from Karuna Trust, UK named Akashamitra at Gorewada in our Boys hostel where underprivillaged are getting opportunity to shape for their bright future.
On this ocassion we planted 2 fruits trees at hostel. Welcome programme and dinner together with team. All the children enjoyed a lot being...
Regional order conveners of India
Order Strand, India

Chapter Conveners workshop lead by Dh. Aryaketu at Bahujan Hitay Boys Hostel, Nagpur

By Aryaketu on Wed, 18 Jun, 2014 - 15:29

Chapter Conveners workshop lead by Dh. Aryaketu at Bahujan Hitay Boys Hostel, Nagpur

By Aryaketu on Wed, 18 Jun, 2014 - 15:29
Chapter Conveners workshop for Vidharbha region held on 28th to 31st May-2014 at Bahujan Hitay Boys Hostel, Gorewada, Nagpur. Where18 chapter conveners out of 24 participated from Vidharbha region of India. Which is the Central part of India. Aryaketu lead a workshop on to clarify the role and responsibility of chapter  conveners. He specifically deal with the questions like Who we are? Where we want to go? And how...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

First Time in the life ! - Financial inclusion of women by formation of Self Help Group of Vadaar Community

By tejadhamma on Mon, 31 Mar, 2014 - 18:30

First Time in the life ! - Financial inclusion of women by formation of Self Help Group of Vadaar Community

By tejadhamma on Mon, 31 Mar, 2014 - 18:30
Vadar Community (tribes) Women got opportunity First time to participate in SHG
Anushri (Coordinator of Women Empowerment Project of PTP) formed Self Help Group of the Vadaar Community Women who are excluded economically and socially. Women are forced to depend on everything in this community. This is first Self Help Group of those women which...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

Disaster Relief Work in Progress

By tejadhamma on Sun, 30 Mar, 2014 - 19:19

Disaster Relief Work in Progress

By tejadhamma on Sun, 30 Mar, 2014 - 19:19
Thank you donors; because of your kind generous donation PTP enabled to support Vadar Community who are most needy & underprivillaged. Those tribes are getting feeling that they are also like others and should enter in the main stream of the society.
Your support helped to get hut/houses to those people !
Thank you so much from the bottom of our...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

Help to Victims of the Disaster in Nagpur

By tejadhamma on Mon, 17 Mar, 2014 - 09:45

Help to Victims of the Disaster in Nagpur

By tejadhamma on Mon, 17 Mar, 2014 - 09:45
Still in Need of Help to Victims of the Disaster in Nagpur

Friends… Greetings and metta !

Many heavy storms and hail hit Nagpur recently, doing a lot of harm in the in the slum where we are working with the Vadaar (wanderer) community. We have been helping to improve their childrens’ education and bring them into the mainstream of society. The...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

"Practical Metta" to help to the Victims of Disasters

By tejadhamma on Sun, 16 Mar, 2014 - 15:56

"Practical Metta" to help to the Victims of Disasters

By tejadhamma on Sun, 16 Mar, 2014 - 15:56
“Practical Metta in Action to get relief to the victims of terrible disaster”

PTP is helping the victims of Vadar Community (Wanderer/DNT) to rebuild after a terrible disaster in Nagpur. This community very rarely gets help from others, and many lost their houses due to heavy storms and hail. Our generous donors extended their helping...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

" Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 09:09

" Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 09:09
“Study Home”  for Street Children, experienced happiness & excitement among children while “Learning to make Greeting Cards” event run in the project for the children at Ganganagar, Nagpur. This event increased confidence among children that they are also able to be like other children in the society.
This project is perticularly for the most disadvantaged and poor wanderer...
