
Action from Depth: Ecodharma build new UK links

By guhyapati on Thu, 5 Feb, 2015 - 18:15

Action from Depth: Ecodharma build new UK links

By guhyapati on Thu, 5 Feb, 2015 - 18:15This summer Ecodharma will be joining forces with Gaia House teacher Rob Burbea and Freely Given Retreats to offer a new training in the UK. Action from Depth is a shorter remix of the Engaged Buddhist Training that Ecodharma have been developing since 2010. The UK version will be co-designed by Rob and Ecodharma’s Guhyapati, with a strong emphasis on ecological activism just ahead of the United Nations Climate talks,...

Revitalising the New Society

By guhyapati on Wed, 17 Dec, 2014 - 19:00

Revitalising the New Society

By guhyapati on Wed, 17 Dec, 2014 - 19:00The New Society idea was at the heart of Sangharakshita’s founding vision for the Triratna Community in the 1960’s and 70’s. In recent years many of us have been asking what this means today. The level of interest in revitalising the vision of the New Society has been flagged up repeatedly at the meeting of Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly, but how to make that real remains work in progress. Taking a step forwards in the exploration, Guhyapati (from the ...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Introducing Eco Dharma

By Rijupatha on Mon, 8 Dec, 2014 - 21:32
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In today’s FBA Dharmabyte Amalaketu talks about Eco Dharma at Colchester Buddhist Centre’s Sangha Night series on Engaged Buddhism. Entitled “Introducing Eco Dharma”, he maps out the possible Buddhist response to the environmental crisis.

Buddhist Reflections on Social Action

By guhyapati on Mon, 20 Oct, 2014 - 17:14
Our first podcast series is out. check it out on soundcloud,
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Triratna News
Triratna News

Seeking Triratna sangha in Indonesia

By Munisha on Fri, 3 Oct, 2014 - 13:33

Seeking Triratna sangha in Indonesia

By Munisha on Fri, 3 Oct, 2014 - 13:33What if there’s no Triratna sangha where you are? Today and tomorrow, Triratna News hears from two people far from Triratna sangha, starting with Anne-Cathrin. A German mitra training for ordination, she lives in Bogor, Indonesia.

She writes: “I asked for ordination August 2013. At the same time, I decided to embark on the adventure of Going Forth. Though I understood that the ordination process involved practice in daily life with Buddhist friends, I also longed to use my...
Earth Metta Sangha
Earth Metta Sangha

New Name For Group: Karaniya Metta Kula

By Christine on Fri, 29 Aug, 2014 - 10:24

New Name For Group: Karaniya Metta Kula

By Christine on Fri, 29 Aug, 2014 - 10:24At our first “Beyond BAM” meeting (Aug 14), one of the goals was to choose a new name for the group. Shining out for its inclusivity, simplicity, and straight-forwardness, those in attendance decided unanimously on “Karaniya Metta Kula”. This famous sutta, which literally means “beautiful metta”, elegantly summarizes all the ways by which we can have a positive influence on the world around us, whether through meditation:
And think of every living thing without exception:
the weak and the strong,...

Triratna Sustainable Buddhist Centre Project

By guhyapati on Thu, 21 Aug, 2014 - 09:47

Triratna Sustainable Buddhist Centre Project

By guhyapati on Thu, 21 Aug, 2014 - 09:47This summer the Sustainable Buddhist Centre Project was launched during the European Chairs’ Assembly at Adhistana. In this short video Guhyapati interviews Amalaketu about the project.

connect.empower.liberate series by Guhyapati

By guhyapati on Mon, 28 Jul, 2014 - 19:46
A series of three talks given by Guhyapati at Buddhafield’s Green Earth Awakening last weekend. The gathering brought 500 people together to explore the interface between contemporary Buddhism, ecology and social action. Guhyapati brings dharma perspectives to bear on how we can empower ourselves and our communities to meet the challenges of our times.
Buddhist Action Month 2014
Buddhist Action Month 2014

Are you going Beyond BAM?

By Munisha on Wed, 23 Jul, 2014 - 10:00

Are you going Beyond BAM?

By Munisha on Wed, 23 Jul, 2014 - 10:00Hi folks,

Buddhist Action Month is for life, not just for June!

To stay connected with your fellow BAMers in Triratna worldwide and their thoughts, actions and information, please Follow the Beyond BAM space here on The Buddhist Centre Online.

Go to Beyond BAM and click + Follow (top left).
Triratna News
Triratna News

Ecodharma meets Eco Dharma: a European-US link-up

By Munisha on Wed, 23 Jul, 2014 - 00:01

Ecodharma meets Eco Dharma: a European-US link-up

By Munisha on Wed, 23 Jul, 2014 - 00:01This summer the Ecodharma Centre, a Triratna centre in Catalunya, will be linking up with the Natural Dharma Fellowship in the United States. Through live web link ups the two organisations will be connecting Ecodharma’s Engaged Buddhist Training, with Natural Dharma’s Eco Dharma conference this August.

The Engaged Buddhist Training, exploring Dharma-based approaches to social action, has been running in Europe every summer for several years now. This year sees the first Eco Dharma Conference,...
