Triratna News
Triratna News

Best-ever Triratna retreat in Canada

By lokabandhu on Fri, 19 Oct, 2012 - 05:13

Best-ever Triratna retreat in Canada

By lokabandhu on Fri, 19 Oct, 2012 - 05:13Harshaprabha writes following his recent “best-ever” trip to Canada, where for some years now he’s been slowly but steadily building up a Triratna group in Ontario - most recently, expanding their activities to Toronto. He writes - “I arrived back a week ago from what was my best-ever trip to Canada in terms of putting over the Dharma and it being received. I’ve been inspired by many aspects of life in Ontario but people’s interest in the Dharma and them...
Triratna News
Triratna News

First Triratna event in Toronto coming up

By lokabandhu on Fri, 7 Sep, 2012 - 05:54

First Triratna event in Toronto coming up

By lokabandhu on Fri, 7 Sep, 2012 - 05:54Harshaprabha writes from the small Triratna community in Canada, with news of their first day-long event planned in Toronto. If you have any friends or relatives in Toronto who might be interested in Triratna’s approach to Buddhism and spiritual community - this is your chance to invite them! He says - “Here is some news: a first for the Triratna Buddhist Community Ontario! Nagarakshita and I are running a day in Toronto, by chance at a place I...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna in Canada - an update

By lokabandhu on Tue, 8 May, 2012 - 05:26

Triratna in Canada - an update

By lokabandhu on Tue, 8 May, 2012 - 05:26Harshaprabha writes with news of the latest developments in the small Triratna sangha in Canada. He says - “I’ve just returned from an enjoyable and worthwhile trip to Guelph, in Ontario Canada, where I co-led no less than eight Newcomers Events of two and a half hours each. I was accompanied and assisted by Nagarakshita from the LBC in London - it was her first visit to Guelph although she has a connection with Canada through her...
