Tag: buddhist action month 2016

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

'The Journey of Metta'

By cremigio on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 20:18

'The Journey of Metta'

By cremigio on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 20:18

A talk and sangha evening led by Medi and Matt for BAM 2016

More info:  http://www.cardiffbuddhistcentre.com

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

'Altruism in the Spiritual Life'

By cremigio on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 20:05

'Altruism in the Spiritual Life'

By cremigio on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 20:05

A talk and sangha evening led by Lynda for BAM 2016

More info:  http://www.cardiffbuddhistcentre.com

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Cardiff Buddhist Centre - Buddhist Action Month

By cremigio on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 19:45

Cardiff Buddhist Centre - Buddhist Action Month

By cremigio on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 19:45

For June the Cardiff sangha will be holding a series of events to support Buddhist Action Month 2016.  There will be talks and activities to focus our hearts and minds on caring for others. 

Tues 31st May - ‘Proceeding as though you are necessary’ - Launch of BAM 2016 at Cardiff Buddhist Centre - led by Bec

Tues 7th June – ‘Altruism in the Spiritual Life’ - led by Lynda

Tues 14th June  -  ‘The Journey of Metta’ - led by Medi and Matt

Tues 21st June -  ‘An Evening of...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Join the Triratna Sustainable Buddhist Centre scheme

By Mokshini on Sat, 21 May, 2016 - 08:39

A growing number of Triratna Buddhist centres have already completed the ten-point action points entailed in joining the list of certified Sustainable Buddhist Centres: Amsterdam, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Colchester, Essen, Metta Vihara, Norwich, Sheffield, Taraloka and Tiratanaloka. 


If your Buddhist Centre has not yet gone down this path, why not suggest it to your trustees/council?

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Still looking for an action to run for BAM 2016? Keep it simple and remember the teaching on the Three Actions

By Mokshini on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 08:20

Still looking for an action to run for BAM 2016? Keep it simple and remember the teaching on the Three Actions

By Mokshini on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 08:20

For BAM to be a successful event, it doesn’t have to be complicated, and in fact, let’s run the events in the spirit they are intended  - that is with kindness to ourselves as well as kindness to the planet and other beings. 

Here are some Tips for organizing a successful BAM:

Keep projects SIMPLE. 

Buddhists can be busy people – engaged Buddhists even more so so that sometimes just the thought of taking on an extra responsibility can feel a...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

BAM! at Sheffield Buddhist Centre

By Christine on Sat, 14 May, 2016 - 11:21

BAM! at Sheffield Buddhist Centre

By Christine on Sat, 14 May, 2016 - 11:21

Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) at Sheffield Buddhist Centre will feature:
Sun. 29 May: Work that Reconnects > Natural Dharma
Sat 11 June: Film night > BAM! Dharma Film Club
Sat. 18 June: Litter pick afternoon
Sun. 19 June: Day of reflection > Rejoicing in our efforts so far

In addition, our busy sangha night, with the theme “The Way to the Beyond” will reflect BAM throughout the month of June. That’s every Tuesday...

Earth Metta Sangha
Earth Metta Sangha

BAM! 2016 at Sheffield Buddhist Centre

By Christine on Sat, 14 May, 2016 - 11:16

BAM! 2016 at Sheffield Buddhist Centre

By Christine on Sat, 14 May, 2016 - 11:16

Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) at Sheffield Buddhist Centre will feature:
Sun. 29 May: Work that Reconnects > Natural Dharma
Sat 11 June: Film night > BAM! Dharma Film Club
Sat. 18 June: Litter pick afternoon
Sun. 19 June: Day of reflection > Rejoicing in our efforts so far

In addition, Sheffield’s busy sangha night, which takes on the theme of The Way to the Beyond will reflect BAM throughout the month...

Earth Metta Sangha
Earth Metta Sangha

Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) 2016

By Christine on Thu, 12 May, 2016 - 12:46

Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) 2016

By Christine on Thu, 12 May, 2016 - 12:46

In the lead up to June, I’m ruminating on some of the new green precepts I might take on. Please let us know what you are thinking about, too!

Currently, I find reflection to be meaningful in this context, because it adds weight and meaning to what I may choose to undertake.  Failure is always disheartening, but this can be avoided through advance thought. Since preparation is crucial to the success and quality of any undertaking (including meditation, sports, gardening, etc.), in the case...

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Meditate in the Park for Peace on June 26th

By Mokshini on Fri, 22 Apr, 2016 - 16:00

Meditate in the Park for Peace - 26 June 2016 in your local park

for Nuclear Disarmament & for  Investment in Renewables and Green Jobs

Why now?

In 2016, parliament will vote whether to replace and modernise the UK’s nuclear weapons system called Trident. It’s made up of four submarines – one of which is on patrol at all times - carrying up to 40 nuclear warheads on board. Each of these warheads is eight times more powerful than the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima.

Why Triratna?

In his...

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