Future Dharma
Future Dharma

FutureDharma launch Thrive Online Appeal

By Liz_Bassett on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:00

FutureDharma launch Thrive Online Appeal

By Liz_Bassett on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:00

FutureDharma Fund and India Dhamma Trust are launching Triratna’s Thrive Online Appeal, and we need you to join us. 

Our world is in lockdown. COVID-19 is changing everything: nobody knows what our world will look like in a year’s time. For some, the challenge of lockdown is overwhelming, causing a tragic surge in depression, addictions, and domestic violence.

This distanced, suffering world needs the Three Jewels more than ever.

The problem is that our centres are closed. The core of what Triratna has offered the...

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

A Library for Cuernavaca Centre, Mexico

By Liz_Bassett on Tue, 23 Jan, 2018 - 13:42

A Library for Cuernavaca Centre, Mexico

By Liz_Bassett on Tue, 23 Jan, 2018 - 13:42

Deepening Dharma practice, building sangha, outreach to other people - all of these are happening in Mexico at the Cuernavaca Buddhist Centre thanks to gifts to FutureDharma Fund.

The Cuernavaca sangha have worked together to create a library full of Dharma books and electronic resources.

They tell us that the political situation in Mexico has led to much social inequality. Many young people have never had the opportunity to use a library. The sangha have created the library as a place of inspiration...

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

Clear Vision Trust: a Dharmapala

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 09:00

Clear Vision Trust: a Dharmapala

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 09:00

Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about working for FutureDharma Fund?

A: Knowing that we’re helping you support some amazing Triratna projects.

Each month we’re going to bring you news from one of them. First up in June - Clear Vision Trust

Now 50 years old, Triratna has grown and spread across the globe. We all practice in a diverse range of settings. Yet whether we’re part of a large urban sangha, attend a small local group, live in a community, on our own or in...

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

#Triratna50. The world needs what you've been given. Pass it on.

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 19 Jun, 2017 - 14:21

#Triratna50. The world needs what you've been given. Pass it on.

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 19 Jun, 2017 - 14:21

Can Triratna really help change this suffering world?

Terrorism, environmental degradation, the consumerist tide of distraction and dissatisfaction: sometimes the world can seem broken.

Triratna is entering its next 50 years. Can Triratna offer more people ways to stay sane in a confusing world: ways to connect, to grow and to give?

FutureDharma Fund believes it can. The only long term solution to suffering is enough movements like ours creating a wave of kindness and wisdom in the world. Only this will transform the forces of...