Triratna News
Triratna News

Public ordinations at Akashavana

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 - 16:47

Public ordinations at Akashavana

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 - 16:47

We are delighted to announce that three new Dharmacharinis were ordained at Akashavana on 16th October 2020. 

Public preceptor: Paramachitta

Monica Tamarit becomes Kavyadhi (long first ‘a’ and long ‘i’) - a Sanskrit name that means ‘She whose wisdom is inspired, creative and poetic’.
Private Preceptor: Saddhakara

Carmina Amaya becomes Bhavati (long first ‘a’) - a Sanskrit name that means ‘She who is full of light’.
Private Preceptor: Saddhakara

Reme Rojo becomes Suriyadassana (long last ‘a’) - a Pali...


Day 53 in the Big Buddha House!

By amritamati on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 13:40

Day 53 in the Big Buddha House!

By amritamati on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 13:40

It’s day 53 of lockdown, I think! After some days of torrential rain last week and an amazing storm with sheet lightening that illuminated the house one evening we are today basking in the sunshine. Bodhipakshini has gone to Valderrobres to do the shop, Mumukshu is on the phone with our president Maitreyi and Satyamuni is cooking lunch. I’ve just attempted to make ciabatta for the first time, but it’s looking more like a simple loaf of bread rather than...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Responds to the Coronavirus

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 09:57

Triratna Responds to the Coronavirus

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 09:57

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, how have Triratna Buddhist Centres and team-based right livelihood businesses been responding?

By now most Triratna Buddhist Centres and groups have closed their doors - but many have opened up on the digital universe and invited their sanghas to join them online. Various Triratna Centres across the world are now offering courses classes, pujas, urban retreats and other events online. Now is a great time to try out joining in some of the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:57

Public Ordinations at Akashavana 1st June 2019

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 1 Jun, 2019 - 18:57

We are very happy to let you know the names of the Dharmacharinis ordained today.

Public Preceptor Parami

Lynne Thompson Campbell becomes Dhicitraka, a Sanskrit name meaning “She who paints wisdom” (long first ‘i’, long last ‘a’).
Westernised spelling Dhichitraka.
Private Preceptor Amritamati.

Ania Markiewiecz becomes Saddhajala, a Pali name meaning “Flame of Faith” (long second, third and fourth ‘a’s).
Westernised spelling Saddhajala.
Private Preceptor Saddhanandi.

Gerry Beasley becomes Danabhaya, a Sanskrit / Pali name meaning “She whose generosity makes her fearless” (long first,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Lotus Blooming: Creating the Story of Triratna in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Apr, 2019 - 15:34

The Lotus Blooming: Creating the Story of Triratna in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Apr, 2019 - 15:34

Here’s an interview with Dharmakirti, based in Valencia, about the recent Order Day celebration in Spain. He gives us a bit of the history of Triratna in Spain, as well as the challenges and hopes for the future.

When did Triratna Spain first come into being?
Here’s a timeline of Spanish activities over the years:

1986: Guhyaloka land was bought by Subhuti, and the same year Bhante gave his first talk in Valencia.

1988: Moksananda...

Triratna Women
Triratna Women

Interviewing Samata

By Dharmaprabha on Thu, 7 Mar, 2019 - 12:30

Interviewing Samata

By Dharmaprabha on Thu, 7 Mar, 2019 - 12:30

Danasamudra writes about her interview with Samata:

“In December last year I drove down to Tiratanaloka to interview Samata. She was staying there for several months before going on the three month retreat with Vijayamala and Vessantara. It was appropriate that I talked to her there because she was one of the women who brought Tiratanaloka, and all that it offers, into being.

Those of us who have joined the Movement and Order more recently have very little idea of how different things were...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public Ordinations at Akashavana

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 17:56

Public Ordinations at Akashavana

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 17:56

We are very pleased to announce the public ordination of the following seven women at Akashavana Retreat Centre.

Public Preceptor Punyamala:

Cait Hughes becomes Dānajotī (Pali)
Official westernised spelling: Danajoti
Name meaning: ”She whose light is generosity”
Private Preceptor: Maitrisara

Tracey Dibble becomes Prajñāśrī (Sanskrit)
Official westernised spelling: Prajnashri
Name meaning: ”She who has the radiance of wisdom”
Private Preceptor: Santasiddhi

Inge Heathfield becomes Candramaitrī (Sanskrit)
Official westernised spelling: Candramaitri
Name meaning: ”She whose love is like...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public Ordinations at Akashavana Retreat Centre in Spain, June 2018

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 6 Jun, 2018 - 15:32

Public Ordinations at Akashavana Retreat Centre in Spain, June 2018

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 6 Jun, 2018 - 15:32

We are delighted to announce that the following 21 women were ordained at Akashavana on June 2nd, 2018.

Public Preceptor: Subhadramati

Fiona Johnston becomes Suvarnajyoti
A Pali name meaning ‘She who is or has a golden light’
Westernised spelling: Suvarnajyoti
Private Preceptor: Maitrivajri

Elaine Jackson becomes Maitrimati
A Sanskrit name meaning ‘She whose mind turns to loving kindness’
Westernised spelling: Maitrimati
Private Preceptor: Kalyanaprabha

Rachel Green becomes Karunatara
A Sanskrit name meaning ‘She who is a guiding star of compassion’
Westernised spelling: Karunatara
Private Preceptor: Dayanandi

Sue Haynes...
