College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Letter from the College – June

By ratnadharini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 15:42

Letter from the College – June

By ratnadharini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 15:42

Dear Order members and friends,

My experience this month has been dominated by preparing for, and enacting, a 150 mile pilgrimage from where Sangharakshita was born in Tooting, London, on 26th August 1925, to Adhisthana, Herefordshire, where he lived the last – and some of the happiest – years of his life, dying on 30th October 2018. Having had the inspiration for the pilgrimage, I realised I could share the experience with others and open it up as a fundraising initiative...


The First UK National People of Colour Retreat

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

The First UK National People of Colour Retreat

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

At the end of May Adhisthana hosted a long weekend for the first national People of Colour retreat for the UK. While Triratna POC events have been running in London for over thirty years, this is the first time that there has been a national retreat offered for people of colour drawing on Sangha’s from around the UK.

The teaching team for the retreat was Surygupta (Chair of the London Buddhist Cente), Bodhilila (Chair of the West London...


A Stream of Spiritual Energy, by Subhuti

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

A Stream of Spiritual Energy, by Subhuti

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

There is a powerful quotation in the talk given by Bhante at the LBC on Padmasambhava Day in 1979. He says somewhere that our centres, our communities, and our co-ops, are all ways of contacting different aspects of life and transforming them, because this is essentially what our movement is about. “It’s not simply a Buddhist movement in the narrow sense, or even a spiritual movement in the narrow sense. It’s a stream of spiritual energy that deeply transforms...


The Mystery of Truth and Love and Community by Vidyamala

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 29 May, 2023 - 10:30

The Mystery of Truth and Love and Community by Vidyamala

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 29 May, 2023 - 10:30

In 2009 Bhante said: “there is something about the movement, the Order and even about me that is not easily definable. There is a touch of something that cannot be buttoned down, something that cannot in the end be defined. Even the desire to button it down or define it is a mistake … Everyone will need to take care of that rather mysterious, indefinable spirit that gives the movement life and energy.”

I love this and it evokes the spirit of...


Young Women+ Dharma Life Course

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 26 May, 2023 - 12:14

Young Women+ Dharma Life Course

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 26 May, 2023 - 12:14

The next Dharma Life course at Adhisthana will run 11 March – 28 June 2024.

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practising, studying, and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, developing kalyana mitrata and joining...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Pilgrims Week & 108-Hour Circumambulation

By Centre Team on Sat, 6 May, 2023 - 18:22

Pilgrims Week & 108-Hour Circumambulation

By Centre Team on Sat, 6 May, 2023 - 18:22

18 – 23 June | LED BY Khemabandhu, Saddhanandi + Caroline

Friends, Mitras and Order Members from across the world are welcome to visit and spend time at Adhisthana with a light programme.

Spend time studying; delving into the hidden treasures of the largest private Buddhist library in the UK.

Visit Urgyen House; dwell in the atmosphere of the final home of Urgyen Sangharakshita. See his rooms, kept as they were during his lifetime and view the ‘Precious...


Writing about Sangharakshita, by Vishvapani

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 1 May, 2023 - 10:30

Writing about Sangharakshita, by Vishvapani

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 1 May, 2023 - 10:30

Over the last few years I’ve been rereading and writing about Sangharakshita. I started thinking I had something to say about him that would integrate criticisms with appreciation and might be helpful to others in Triratna. But the more I tried to identify what I wanted to say, the deeper I found myself travelling into his writing and his life. I realised that, even though I have been absorbing Sangharakshita’s teachings for four decades and lived with him for six...


An expansion of Adhisthana: Jasmine Cottage

By Oliviahinde on Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 - 10:30

An expansion of Adhisthana: Jasmine Cottage

By Oliviahinde on Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 - 10:30

We’re pleased to share that Adhisthana is in the process of acquiring a neighbouring property, Jasmine Cottage. The decision to purchase was an intense process that happened in consultation with a lot of people on a tight timeline.

Thanks to the generosity of four Order Members who already live locally, it is possible for Adhisthana to proceed. Vidyamala, Vijayamala, Sona and Vessantara will sell their own homes and move into Jasmine Cottage once the purchase completes – hopefully in the late summer....


Triratna Day at Adhisthana

By Oliviahinde on Wed, 19 Apr, 2023 - 10:30

Triratna Day at Adhisthana

By Oliviahinde on Wed, 19 Apr, 2023 - 10:30

By Anne, Volunteer and Mitra from the LBC 

Adhisthana was charged with excitement and inspiration as we welcomed sanghas from across the UK and parts of Europe to mark Triratna Day, the 56th anniversary of the founding of the Order in 1967. As well as those on the long weekend retreat, day and online guests joined us on the day itself, amplifying the collective experience of celebration and commemoration; the spirit of community and internationality was palpable. Local sangha friendships...
