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Free Buddhist Audio

Talks From Open Studios - Awareness Through the Lens

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
This year the Cambridge Buddhist Centre participated in the city-wide Open Studios, where artists invite the public into their creative spaces for an insight into their world and their work. Entitled 'Awareness through the lens', the focus of the open studios was an exhibition of photography by photographers from the Sangha. These talks explore the interface between Buddhist practice and creativity through the arts, touching on themes such as beauty and the nature of perception.
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A Notice about Dharmottara's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 17 Aug, 2019 - 18:27

A Notice about Dharmottara's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 17 Aug, 2019 - 18:27

Dear Order Friends,

In 2017, Dharmottara, who lives in Ely, UK, was diagnosed with cancer. She has had several operations and chemotherapy since then and has impressed those of us who know her with the depth of her practice and positivity during her illness. She has stayed enthusiastic about the Dharma and has enjoyed meeting friends.

However, over the last few weeks Dharmottara has grown increasingly tired and she now says that she feels that she’s...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: The Way To The Beyond

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 17 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

Sanghadevi offers this substantial and inspiring talk on the praises of Pingiya, from the chapter entitled The Way to the Beyond from the Sutta Nipata. This is the final talk in a series entitled The Buddha in the Pali Canon given at Cambridge Buddhist Centre (UK) 2015.

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Order Practice Questionnaire – two weeks to go …

From Order Connection on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 14:23

Order Practice Questionnaire – two weeks to go …

From Order Connection on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 14:23

We want to remind you that the Order Practice Questionnaire is only going to be ‘open’ until the end of August. So if you’ve been thinking you’d like to take part in this reflection – you have just two weeks to have your say and contribute your experience.

Here are the details again: 
In English:
In Spanish:

You can also download the English version here and print and complete it at home. If you...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Esukari Sutta

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
In this Sutta the Buddha talks about the curse of caste. Saddharaja talks about caste in all its various contemporary forms, bringing in his experience of working in India.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Welcome Back to Anantamati and Sarvajit

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
Anantamati and Sarvajit, fresh from their respective Ordination courses, give something of the flavour of their experience.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Marpa and the Towers (why Talk About Milarepa Week 2)

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
Marpa and the towers is one of the best known stories from the life of Milarepa. Here Dharmashalin tells the story and tries to draw out its relevance for us today.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Esukari Sutta

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
In this Sutta the Buddha talks about the curse of caste. Saddharaja talks about caste in all its various contemporary forms, bringing in his experience of working in India.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Welcome Back to Anantamati and Sarvajit

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
Anantamati and Sarvajit, fresh from their respective Ordination courses, give something of the flavour of their experience.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Marpa and the Towers (why Talk About Milarepa Week 2)

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 16 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
Marpa and the towers is one of the best known stories from the life of Milarepa. Here Dharmashalin tells the story and tries to draw out its relevance for us today.
