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Free Buddhist Audio

Blazing Like The Sun

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 17 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
In the final part of the Path to Awakening series, the team explore the metta bhavana meditation: the cultivation of loving kindness. How can we develop a heart that blazes like the sun, warming to ourselves and the people all around us?
Vishvapani's picture

Culture's Peak: An Interview with Harold Bloom by Vishvapani

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 16 Oct, 2019 - 23:23

Culture's Peak: An Interview with Harold Bloom by Vishvapani

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 16 Oct, 2019 - 23:23

This interview with the literary critic Harold Bloom was first published in Dharma Life, 5, Summer 1997. Harold Bloom died on October 14th 2019.

Vishvapani is a writer, broadcaster and Buddhist mindfulness teacher. His writing can be found at Wise Attention.


When I first encountered Harold Bloom’s work, I discovered a remarkable mixture. Bloom is Professor of Humanities at Yale University, and is widely considered America’s leading literary critic. His many books combine an enormous breadth of reading...

The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

Five myths about the Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Wed, 16 Oct, 2019 - 16:25

Five myths about the Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Wed, 16 Oct, 2019 - 16:25

1. That we have central funding from the movement to support Order members; 

       We don’t! We’re a separate charity solely relying on your individual donations to help care for individual Order members needing support. We don’t fund institutions or Dharma projects.

2. That we are here to help elderly Order members only; 

   Not so! We’re here for Order members of any age who request support. If it appears otherwise, that’s because when we started 11 years ago we imagined it would only...

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Free Buddhist Audio

'Buddhism and World Problems' (The Bi-Tendential Value of Being and The Greater Mandala - Week 3)

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 15 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
What if everyone could see the enormity of their potential and be able to grow into that potential? What if those people then created a community... and that community becomes more & more a force for good in the world? Buddhism teaches us that it is possible to transcend the notion that I exist as a fixed and separate entity in the world and in doing so release a force of unbounded, unconditional love. ------------ How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality. Join Jnanavaca and Subhadramati for a five-week drop-in seminar on Dharma Night exploring this vital aspect of Bhante Sangharakshita’s presentation of the Buddha’s teaching.
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Free Buddhist Audio

'Buddhism and World Problems' (The Bi-Tendential Value of Being and The Greater Mandala - Week 3)

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 15 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
What if everyone could see the enormity of their potential and be able to grow into that potential? What if those people then created a community... and that community becomes more & more a force for good in the world? Buddhism teaches us that it is possible to transcend the notion that I exist as a fixed and separate entity in the world and in doing so release a force of unbounded, unconditional love. ------------ How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality. Join Jnanavaca and Subhadramati for a five-week drop-in seminar on Dharma Night exploring this vital aspect of Bhante Sangharakshita’s presentation of the Buddha’s teaching.
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Patience, Pride and Evil Actions

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 14 Oct, 2019 - 14:00

Here Vairocana shares thoughts on patience, pride and evil actions as described in the Bodhicaryavatara, verse 21. Shantideva reflects that compassion arises upon seeing the suffering of the world and that this manifests in one loosening ones pride. This leads to a fear of the consequences of evil and a delight in Enlightenment itself, or as Shantideva puts it, delight in the Conquerors.

From the talk The Section on Evil from the Dhammapada given at Glasgow...

Karmavajra's picture

Upcoming Ordinations in India

From Order Connection on Mon, 14 Oct, 2019 - 11:01

Upcoming Ordinations in India

From Order Connection on Mon, 14 Oct, 2019 - 11:01

Dear Order Members,


I am delighted to let you know that 31 men will be having their private ordinations from 15th to 18th October 2019. Their public ordination will take place on Sunday 20th October at 11am (local time) at Hsuen Tsang Retreat centre, Bordharan, India. Mostly they are from Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

On behalf of the Indian Public Preceptors’ Kula

Saddhammapradip's picture

Art Retreat - Oct 19

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 14 Oct, 2019 - 07:27

Art Retreat - Oct 19

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 14 Oct, 2019 - 07:27

Art retreat led Dh Guhyacitta from 11th to 13th Oct 19. In this retreat try explore Art as Views, Experience And Consciousness. We also got chance to hear Golap poetry, which was uplifting experience. हलत्या प्रतिमेचा हलताच अर्थ होईल असे होत नाही…. यथार्थाताचा अर्थ शोधतांना, अर्थाचे कवच गळून पडले… परिधानतेचा परिप्रेक्ष शेषाकडून नामशेषाकडे वळून नम्र झाला…. डोळ्यांच्या आकारापेक्षा दृश्याचा व्यास...

sobhanandi's picture

Funeral Details for Dharmamani

From Order Connection on Sun, 13 Oct, 2019 - 11:47

Funeral Details for Dharmamani

From Order Connection on Sun, 13 Oct, 2019 - 11:47

Dear Order members,
The funeral service for Dharmacarini Dharmamani will be held on Thursday 17th October at 14.00 in De Blauwe Poort, Collegebaan 49A, Melle, (near Ghent) Belgium. You are welcome from 13.00.

She will be cremated in the morning in a private ceremony and the urn will be brought to Melle for the service. After the service the ashes will be scattered in the garden.

You can visit her in the moratorium of...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Peace Is a Fire

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 12 Oct, 2019 - 14:00

The Buddha said the world is on fire, fuelled by our greed, hatred and delusion. Jnanavaca explores how we can raise ourselves to meet the challenges faced by humankind on both an individual and global basis. 

Can Metta be cultivated so that in can burn brightly with the brilliant flames of peace?

Talk given at London Buddhist Centre, 2019.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple...
