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Free Buddhist Audio

Your Liberation Is Bound Up with Mine.

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Tue, 25 Feb, 2020 - 00:00
Activism, slavery, the Bodhisattva vow and utopia. Welcoming rage, passion and kindness into our Sangha is the path to liberation. Folk singer Gareth Retallick sets the scene for an emotional journey of stories and experiences. Successful responses to capitalism and other forms of suffering and injustice. from the Sigalaka sutta to real questions about how we treat our fellow human beings.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Your Liberation Is Bound Up with Mine.

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Tue, 25 Feb, 2020 - 00:00
Activism, slavery, the Bodhisattva vow and utopia. Welcoming rage, passion and kindness into our Sangha is the path to liberation. Folk singer Gareth Retallick sets the scene for an emotional journey of stories and experiences. Successful responses to capitalism and other forms of suffering and injustice. from the Sigalaka sutta to real questions about how we treat our fellow human beings.
ratnadharini's picture

Letter to the Editor in Response to Observer Article of 16th February

From Adhisthana Kula on Mon, 24 Feb, 2020 - 16:46

Letter to the Editor in Response to Observer Article of 16th February

From Adhisthana Kula on Mon, 24 Feb, 2020 - 16:46

On 16th February the Observer newspaper published an article referring to the Triratna Buddhist Community. The following letter to the editor was submitted in response and was published by the newspaper on Sunday 23rd February.

Triratna Buddhists respond to Observer front page

We were surprised and deeply disappointed to read the Observer’s piece about the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community last week.

Triratna is not a ‘sect’ in the pejorative sense, but an integral and well established...

Aryajaya's picture

International Order Conventions - Bookings open

From Order Connection on Mon, 24 Feb, 2020 - 16:40

International Order Conventions - Bookings open

From Order Connection on Mon, 24 Feb, 2020 - 16:40

International Order Conventions 2020

Women’s Convention at Adhisthana from Saturday 8th August to Friday 14th 

Combined Convention at Wymondham from Friday 14th to Wednesday 19th August 

Men’s Convention at Adhisthana from Wednesday 19th to Tuesday 25th August 

In the Pubbakotthaka sutta: Eastern Gatehouse (SN48.44), the Buddha is talking to Sariputta:

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi, at the

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabytes: The Strength of Nothing Hidden

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 24 Feb, 2020 - 14:00

We often think that our best defense is to protect ourselves with a barrier between ourselves and the world. On the contrary, the dakini has the complete realization that in the end there is nothing to defend. In enlightenment all we were ever defending was a pattern of defensiveness, you realize there was nothing to defend.

From the talk entitled The Dakini & the Skull Garland by Subhadramati given at London Buddhist Centre, 2020.

Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: The Burning Ground

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 22 Feb, 2020 - 14:00

Moksatara introduces the dakini, the tantric embodiment of what’s possible when all of our energy is completely engaged, alive and flowing. These beings of limitless space have complete freedom of mind, fierce energy and a full emotional engagement with life.

In order to meet the dakinis we must travel to where they dwell: the cremation grounds, where bodies are taken to be burnt. The deepest, darkest energies to be transformed are associated with fear. By deliberately plunging...

Sadayasihi's picture

Mitra Ceremony at the 2020 International Buddhist Youth Convention

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 11:51

Mitra Ceremony at the 2020 International Buddhist Youth Convention

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 11:51

The 2020 International Buddhist Youth Convention is taking place in Bodhgaya, India. This year’s theme is “Building a New Buddhist World: United in Diversity” and is a chance for young Buddhists across Triratna to come together and practice in the home of the Buddha.

During the Convention two of the international participants, Lucy and Dan, took the step of becoming mitras under the Bodhi tree! You can watch the ceremony online here.

Keep an eye on the Young...

Nandavajra's picture

Triratna Exeter Newsletter Early Spring 2020

From Exeter Triratna Group on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 10:57

Triratna Exeter Newsletter Early Spring 2020

From Exeter Triratna Group on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 10:57

Triratna Exeter Newsletter Early Spring 2020

Sangha Evenings Theme and  Weekend Retreat 

We hope that 2020 has started well and that you are in good heart. This edition of our newsletter brings you details of our Sangha evening on Thursdays (from 7 pm to 9 pm) and a weekend retreat we are running in May. 

Sangha evening theme

The Find Peace in a Turbulent world introduction to meditation and Buddhism course, which we have been running in the context of our Sangha evening, will reach its conclusion on 27th February....

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Free Buddhist Audio

Parinirvana Day 2020 - Talks On 'change'

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 00:00
Three members of the Cambridge Sangha give three different perspectives on the subject of change, each from a personal point of view, to mark our Parinirvana Day festival celebrations.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Parinirvana Day 2020 - Talks On 'change'

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 00:00
Three members of the Cambridge Sangha give three different perspectives on the subject of change, each from a personal point of view, to mark our Parinirvana Day festival celebrations.
