Sadayasihi's picture

Taraloka Live recordings available - Alive! Aware! Awake! Home Retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 15 Jul, 2020 - 09:48

Taraloka Live recordings available - Alive! Aware! Awake! Home Retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 15 Jul, 2020 - 09:48

If you haven’t been able to join the live Zoom sessions with the Taraloka, you’ll be happy to know that the video recordings of each day’s live event are now available on the Home Retreat page

You can still join the live practice sessions, today and tomorrow.

USA 11.30am PST | México 1.30pm | USA 2.30pm EST | UK & IE 7.30pm | Europe 8.30pm CET |  India 12am (following day) | Sydney 4.30am | Auckland 6.30am


Sadayasihi's picture

The Burning House: A Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 14 Jul, 2020 - 15:16

The Burning House: A Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 14 Jul, 2020 - 15:16

The Burning House: A Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency with Shantigarbha
Sunday July 26

West Coast USA 08.00 | Mexico 10.00 | East Coast USA 11.00 | UK & IE 16.00 | Europe 17.00 CET | India 20.30 | Australia EST 01.00 (Monday 27) | New Zealand 03.00

Since Shantigarbha heard Greta Thunberg tell the European Parliament to act as if our house is on fire,...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Tough Dharma: Moving to a Deeper Place

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 13 Jul, 2020 - 14:00

Padmavajra calls on the radical early teaching of the Buddha to activate love as skillful and wise response to those we perceive as causing us harm.

The second talk in Padmavjara’s wonderful series on the Dhammapada, the most popular of early Buddhist texts. All of the Buddha’s core teachings are here - held in heart and mind there’s more than enough in the Dhammapada to take us as far in our practice as we can imagine, and then on beyond…

From the...

Sadayasihi's picture

Day 4 - Alive! Aware! Awake! Home retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 13 Jul, 2020 - 12:57

Day 4 - Alive! Aware! Awake! Home retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 13 Jul, 2020 - 12:57

It’s day 4 of the Alive! Aware! Awake home retreat and we hope you’ve been enjoying the journey so far.

Don’t forget to join Maitridevi live today as she brings us through an exploration of the third foundation of mindfulness: chitta (thoughts and emotions). 

USA 11.30am PST | México 1.30pm | USA 2.30pm EST | UK & IE 7.30pm | Europe 8.30pm CET |  India 12am (following day) | Sydney 4.30am | Auckland 6.30am

The link to connect to Zoom...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: The Great Love

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 11 Jul, 2020 - 14:00

How do we construct our world? Collective experiences impact on our personal views and experiences. Mahayana texts offer us the opportunity to interrupt our usual way of perceiving and thinking about the world. Suryagupta explores the extraordinary character, Vimalakirti, and his teaching of The Great Love – the love that is great compassion, the love that is never exhausted, the love that is giving, the love that is morality, the love that is tolerance, the love that is happiness.


Aryajaya's picture

Reminder about the Bodhicitta Practice

From Order Connection on Fri, 10 Jul, 2020 - 18:00

Reminder about the Bodhicitta Practice

From Order Connection on Fri, 10 Jul, 2020 - 18:00

Sunday Order Bodhicitta Practice
Sunday 12th July 

“Look at a person actually suffering from sickness, hunger, thirst or some other affliction. Or, if that is not possible, imagine that such a person is in front of you. As you breathe out, imagine that you are giving that person all your happiness and the best of everything you have, your body, your wealth and your sources of merit, just as if you were taking off your own clothes and...

kusaladevi's picture

Welcome - "Alive, Aware, Awake!" Home retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Fri, 10 Jul, 2020 - 07:00

Welcome - "Alive, Aware, Awake!" Home retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Fri, 10 Jul, 2020 - 07:00

What is it to be fully alive, aware and awake to our experience? How is mindfulness like an adventure? Come and explore these questions and more this week on our latest home retreat “Alive, Aware, Awake!” led by the team at Taraloka (Maitridevi, Maitrisiddhi and Hridayagita) and exploring the Buddha’s teachings on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness...

Khemabandhu's picture

Adhisthana is Recruiting

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 16:33

Adhisthana is Recruiting

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 16:33

Adhisthana is looking for expressions of interest from people who would like to join our team.

We are particularly looking for someone with an aptitude for maintenance work but are happy to consider those with other interests and aptitudes. No trained skills are required.

You need to be an Order member or GFR Mitra and be able to commit to community living and team-based right livelihood set in the English countryside. We are a mixed community living in two single-sex households dedicated to...

Suddhaka's picture

Covid-19 Emergency Appeal Update

From Karuna Fundraisers on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 15:08

Covid-19 Emergency Appeal Update

From Karuna Fundraisers on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 15:08

At the end of March, we launched our Karuna Covid-19 Emergency Appeal to provide emergency relief to people in India and Nepal affected by the devastating impacts of the Coronavirus crisis. 

The lockdown was announced on March 24th and within a few days our partners were alerting us to  a catastrophic economic crisis affecting an estimated 460 million migrant and casual labourers who depended on daily wages for subsistence and a massive movement of people as migrants tried to travel back to...
