I am sad to inform you that Dhammachari Achalasila passed away around 2.00pm on 15th of April 2021. He was 71 years old.
One week before he was hospitalised for corona virus. As his daughter was working as a staff nurse in the same hospital she took care of him in his last days.
He was ordained in March 1993. Subhuti was his private and Suvajra was his public preceptor. He did the Shakyamuni Sadhana from his ordination. ...
We are sad to inform you that Dhammachari Nirmalabodhi from Nagpur passed away on 14th April 2021 around 9.00pm. He was 67 years old.
He was hospitalised a few days before for corona virus treatment.
He came into contact with the Triratna Movement in 1990 and took ordination in 25th May 2014 at Bhaja Retreat centre. Nagaketu is his private preceptor and Chandrashil was his public preceptor. He did the Shakyamuni Sadhana.
Here Sangharakshita orientates us to Vajrasattva, the primordial Buddha of Innate Purity. He introduces the Vajrasattva practice as part of the four indispensable preparatory practices (mula-yogas) of the Vajrayana devotee.
Join us for an evening of meditation, music, poetry, personal stories, and generosity. Lyla June and Minal Hajratwala will perform. Christine Thuring (from the Vancouver sangha), and Tim Skufca&Marta Meengs (from the Montana sangha) will share their experiences with engaged Buddhism on behalf of the earth. Join the Green Sangha to fundraise, protect, and celebrate the rainforest—the lungs of the earth!
Dates: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm Pacific Daylight Time
This retreat is now online and has a few places available! 24 Apr to 29 Apr 2021 Led by: Smritiratna Khemasuri Frankie Retreat Type: Regulars - Triratna
Seeing the dangers confronting humankind these days, we can feel depressed, demoralised and helpless to avert disaster - or even to talk about such feelings. This retreat provides a space not only to talk but to explore an extraordinary sequence of reflections and communal practices that can rekindle an active hope and...
Find out more about us as a charity by reading our Annual Review for 2020 by clicking here.
Historically the Abhayaratna Trust has existed to relieve financial hardship and its consequences whenever and wherever it arises among individual members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. We have done this by giving practical aid to Order members in the form of cash grants, non-financial support and generating appeals for specific individuals. We are also agile and responsive to events that require intervention, the most recent example being...
Find out more about us as a charity by reading our Annual Review for 2020 by clicking here.
Historically the Abhayaratna Trust has existed to relieve financial hardship and its consequences whenever and wherever it arises among individual members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. We have done this by giving practical aid to Order members in the form of cash grants, non-financial support and generating appeals for specific individuals. We are also agile and responsive to events that require intervention, the most recent example being...
Paramartha considers the importance of Tibet’s great yogi Milarepa in the life and teachings of Sangharakshita whilst introducing two objects from Urgyen House.
Urgyen House is a project dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation of Sangharakshita’s collection of books, letters, papers, thangkas and artefacts as well as the building in which he spent the last years of his life.