Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Coming to Stillness

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 15 Jul, 2021 - 06:00

Drawing on sources from Russell Brand to Tenzin Palmo, Suryadarshini navigates the third precept. Covering sex, relationships, confessional writing, and social media, she offers suggestions for how to start a shift from attention and attachment into stillness, simplicity and contentment.

From the talk entitled Sex and Social Media: From Attention and Attachment to Contentment given at Norwich Buddhist Centre, 2019.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)


Satyakirti's picture

Autumn - Winter 2021 Programme is now Live!

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 15:45

Autumn - Winter 2021 Programme is now Live!

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 15:45

We are delighted to announce that the Padmaloka Autumn-Winter programme has just gone live and is ready for bookings.

This final phase of the year marks a step towards a normal programme of residential retreats here at Padmaloka. All of the retreats will be in-person, albeit with initially lower attendance limits.

The programme includes some of the classic Ordination Training retreats:

Spiritual Friendship: Exploring the centrality of Kalyana Mitrata, and how to practice it.
The System of Dharma Life: A look at the key elements of an effective...

vajratara's picture

Sub35 Online Day Retreat: Why Join An Order?

From Tiratanaloka on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 11:35

Sub35 Online Day Retreat: Why Join An Order?

From Tiratanaloka on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 11:35

Saturday 4 September

Why join an Order? Isn’t enough to simply practice Buddhism without joining anything? Vajratara and Karunadhi from the women’s ordination team along with Dharmacharinis from the young people’s steering group, will communicate a glimpse of the vision of the Order and the potential of spiritual friendship. The Order is more than it appears to be, and to realise that, we must also realise that we are more than we appear to be…

Join us for an online day for young people training...

Kamalagita's picture

Grŵp Newydd Triratna - New Triratna Group!

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 10:08

Grŵp Newydd Triratna - New Triratna Group!

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 - 10:08

Welsh is my first language, although I haven’t lived in Wales since I was 18, it’s the language of my heart, a short cut to my emotions. 

I learnt to meditate in Dhanakosa in 2009 and since then am a regular Cambridge sangha member training for ordination.  My mother Anantamani, translated the puja into Welsh 15 years ago. Since asking for ordination I have often been invited to share the positive precepts in Welsh at the end of gfr retreats.  This has...

Viryabodhi's picture


From Triratna Translations on Tue, 13 Jul, 2021 - 14:18

Irish (group)

From Triratna Translations on Tue, 13 Jul, 2021 - 14:18

Here is the five positive precepts in Irish. More to come.

Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Amrutaruchi

From Order Connection on Tue, 13 Jul, 2021 - 10:48

Death of Dhammachari Amrutaruchi

From Order Connection on Tue, 13 Jul, 2021 - 10:48

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is sad to inform you that Dhammachari Amrutaruchi passed away yesterday on 12th July 2021 around 1.00 pm at the age of 67. He was living in Mumbai with his daughter for the last few months. We could not get the specific reason behind his death.

He came in contact with Triratna in 1991 and joined the order on 11th Oct 2015. Amrutadeep was his private preceptor and Adityabodhi has given public ordination.

He played an active role to establish the...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: The Altruistic Aspect of the Bodhisattva

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 12 Jul, 2021 - 06:00

What’s in it for me? Our natural human tendency is to take, to grasp, to cling. If you can give though, there is hope, spiritually speaking. Generosity is an attitude of heart and of mind, an attitude of one’s whole being.

Sangharakshita describes the altruistic aspect of the Bodhisattva and the reconciliation of the apparent antithesis between the interests of others and of self by practising the first two of the six Perfections: dana (giving) and shila (ethics or ‘uprightness’).

From the...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism and Politics - Talk 2

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 11 Jul, 2021 - 00:00
In another ambitious and wide-ranging talk, Vajragupta suggests that changes in Western societies in the last 40 years have undermined our sense of the "common good". He then reflects on what a Buddhist approach to the common good might be. A highly stimulating talk, drawing on the inspiration of Dr Ambedkar, as well as other thinkers and writers. Second in a series of three talks given for Buddhist Action Month 2021 at Croydon Buddhist Centre.
Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Open Handed Generosity

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 10 Jul, 2021 - 06:00

Buddhist generosity is ideally ongoing all the time, a simple application of our ethical principles - a flow of time, energy, money, and so on, in the direction of your heart-felt values. Giving is one of the key practices of a Buddhist, and one of the delights of the Spiritual Community. Ratnaghosha evokes how this is an area of activity that is crucial to an effective practice of the Dharma and the living of the Bodhisattva life.

This talk...
